通过利用藻类中首次发现的感光蛋白,一名完全失明男子的部分视力得到了恢复。The man from Brittany in France was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa 40 years ago. Doctors used a pioneering te...
爱听音乐的大有人在,但大家都是怎么听音乐的?当下,在线播放可能是最流行的收听方式,但与此同时,一些怀旧科技却重新流行了起来。How do you consume your music? What format do you listen to it on? Technology now allows...
如果你发现某段音乐一直在脑中不断重复,这就是所谓的耳虫上脑”。耳虫现象一般发生在白天,但最近科学家发现,睡觉时耳虫也会在你脑中开启单曲循环模式,影响睡眠。We're all familiar with songs getting stuck in our head while w...
你梦想过搬到乡村生活吗?在乡村小屋的清晨醒来,放眼窗外,满是无尽的绿色,真是悠闲自在繁忙城市中的现代人为什么憧憬田园风光?Rolling hills and endless green pastures – those images are easy to conjure when th...
Look up at the skies and you see stars. But this telescope in the deserts of Chile is able to see the Universe as it really is, filled with a mysterio...
A Newcastle University study involving thousands of families is helping prospective parents work out whether they are likely to have sons or daughters...
科学家们报告说,这是迄今为止观测到的持续时间最长的沉积物崩塌。崩塌发生在非洲西侧刚果河河口切入海底的一条深邃峡谷中。We've all seen pictures of an avalanche falling down a mountain. Now, imagine this might...
Look up at the skies and you see stars. But this telescope in the deserts of Chile is able to see the Universe as it really is, filled with a mysterio...
生物学家发现了世界上最小的潜水哺乳动物 —— 水鼩的基因秘密。Water shrews are diminutive, long-snouted mammals. They weigh less than one AA battery, and lose heat quick...