One day, some animals were talking about which animal was the best. The pig said, "Pigs are the greatest because we have many babies. I have twel...
从前有一只猫头鹰和天鹅是朋友。天鹅是天鹅群的大王,而猫头鹰只是一只普普通通的猫头鹰Once there were two friends Kanakaksha the owl and Sumitra the swan. Sumitra was the king of the swans. But K...
有一棵橡树总认为他比芦苇要强壮得多The Oak tree always thought that he was far stronger than the reeds.He said to himself I stand upright in storm. I don’t bend m...
从前有个商人要到别的地方去做生意,把铁秤交给他的放贷者朋友保管。等他生意好转回来要秤的时候,那个朋友说秤被老鼠吃了。商人说要到河边去洗澡,让朋友的儿子帮忙看衣服。后来商人告诉朋友:他的儿子被老鹰叼走了。In a small town, there lived a merchant. He ran a...
从前在一个小村庄里有一个男子特别懒,虽然很有学识,但是整日无所事事。靠乞讨为生,有一天他要到了很多东西,回到家吃完午饭后就把面粉放进一个坛子里开始想象着:要把面粉放到饥荒发生时,他能买一个好价钱,然后就能买两只羊,很快就能有一群羊Once, in a small village, there liv...
在一个小镇里有一个名叫Manibhadra的上染,他和妻子都很大方和商量。镇上的每个人都知道他们,经常到他们家去接受款待。In a small town there lived a merchant named Manibhadra. He and his wife were very genero...
有一头狮子太老了不能自己不猎物,一天碰到一个山洞,狮子偷偷的藏了进去。豺狼回来后发觉洞里过于安静了,于是他向山洞喊道说:每次我回来你都会跟我问好!结果In a forest there lived a lion. He had grown old and could not run fast any...
There once lived a lion, the king of the forest. He was always accompanied by a jackal and a crow. They followed him every where and lived on the rema...
Long ago, in Japan, there was a boy who was training to be a monk. He lived in the small temple at the end of the village. Every morning, at quarter t...
Once upon a time there lived a cat of marvellous beauty, with a skin as soft and shining as silk, and wise green eyes, that could see even in the dark...