【英文原文】摘要:如果你认为你的女人从不会对你撒谎,请再仔细考虑一下。大部分女人,小到善意的谎言,大到更为严重的假话,都会在牵涉到某种关系的某一点时掩饰真相。If you think your woman would never lie to you, guess again. From littl...
Thanksgiving turkey, though he's seen them in pictures. He thinks it should be easy to replicate such a feast (especially with the help of me, a r...
It is odd, then, that Luca would want to use this birthday to celebrate an American Thanksgiving, given these circumstances, but I do like the idea of...
【英文原文】Suppose a child comes home with a report card with five As and one B. Usually the first thing his parents will say is "Why the B?" Wha...
【英文原文】摘要:国王把纳斯雷丁叫到他的身边说:要是你能只穿一件衬衣在院子里度过这一夜,我就送给你一百枚金币!”纳斯雷丁在院子里看到一盘石磨,便开始推着石磨转,越转越快。One cold night the king called Nasreddin to him and said, &...
The Captain viewed the subject in quite a different light. He appeared to entertain a belief that the interview at which he had assisted was so very s...
【英文原文】A little boy asked his mother: Why are you crying?”Because I am a woman.” She told him.I don’t understand” he said.His m...
'Berry's very fond of you, ain't she?' Paul once asked Mrs Pipchin when they were sitting by the fire with the cat.贝里很喜欢您,是不是?”有...
I couldn't hold out. None of my pants, after almost four months in Italy, fit me anymore. Not even the new clothes I just bought last month (when ...
【英文原文】Feather in the wind摘要:一位善良的女人一天说了一些话伤害了她最好的有多年友情的朋友;她话一出口就后悔了,她想做任何事来收回她的话。她的话伤害朋友如此之深,以至于这个善良的女人为自己给朋友造成痛苦而伤心不已。A certain good woman one day sa...