Once upon a time...Long ago there lived a very rich man who had three sons. When he felt himself to be dying he divided his property between them, mak...
Once upon a time...Long ago there lived a rich merchant who, besides possessing more treasures than any king in the world, had in his great hall three...
Once upon a time...There was once a dove who built a nice soft nest as a home for her three little ones. She was very proud of their beauty, and perha...
Once upon a time...There lived a great king who had a wife and one son whom he loved very much. The boy was still young when, one day, the king said t...
Once upon a time...There was an old man who lived in a little hut in the middle of a forest. His wife was dead, and he had only one son, whom he loved...
Once upon a time...A man had a shepherd who served him many years faithfully and honestly. One day, whilst herding his flock, this shepherd heard a hi...
Once upon a time...The hunters had hunted the wood for so many years that no wild animal was any more to be found in it. You might walk from one end t...
Once upon a time...There was a king who had an only son. When the lad was about eighteen years old his father had to go to fight in a war against a ne...
Once upon a time...There lived an emperor who had three sons. They were all fine young men, and fond of hunting, and scarcely a day passed without one...
Once upon a time...There was once a king's son who told his father that he wished to marry.'No, no!' said the king; 'you must not be i...