

分类: 英语美文  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 

Rare disease treatment improves

Rare disease drugs account for over half the first two batches of drugs eligible for a fast approval track targeting medications already approved overseas and in urgent need for Chinese patients, deputy director of the National Medical Products Administration Chen Shifei said on Saturday. "Compilation of the third and latest batch is coming to a close and is expected to be published soon," Chen said during the opening ceremony for the 2020 China Conference on Rare Diseases held in Beijing.


Ma Xiaowei, minister of the National Health Commission, said it is estimated there are about 20 million rare disease patients in China.

The commission has released the country's first directory on rare diseases, set up a national cooperation network in diagnosis and treatment and promoted the use of a direct-reporting system, he said.

However, he also noted China still faces a shortage of healthcare services and drugs available to rare disease patients, and weak capability in creating innovative drugs. To solve these problems, more efforts will be devoted to advancing a hierarchical medical system, strengthening drug supplies and deepening reform in the healthcare sector, Ma said.

