

分类: 名人名言 
Epperson's law:
When a man says it's a silly, childish game, it's probably something his wife can beat him at.If it weren't for marriage, men would spend their lives thinking they had no faults at all. -- AnonymousSome men are born with cold feet; some acquire cold feet; and some have cold feet thrust upon them. -- AnonymousThe theory used to be you marry an older man because they are more mature. The new theory is that men don't mature. So you might as well marry a younger one. -- AnonymousEternal boyhood is the dream of a depressing percentage of American males, and the locker room is the temple where they worship arrested development. -- Russell BakerI have always dressed according to certain Basic Guy Fashion Rules, including:
* Both of your socks should always be the same color
* Or they should at least both be fairly dark -- Dave BarryThe male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things. -- Jilly CooperFor most men life is a search for the proper manila envelope in which to get themselves filed. -- Clifton FadimanI never hated a man enough to give him his diamonds back. -- Zsa Zsa GaborWhy did Nature create man? Was it to show that she is big enough to make mistakes, or was it pure ignorance? -- Holbrook JacksonThe only thing worse than a man you can't control is a man you can. -- Margo KaufmanMarrying a man is like buying something you've been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get it home, but it doesn't always go with everything in the house. -- Jean KerrI require three things in a man: He must be handsome, ruthless, and stupid. -- Dorothy ParkerGiving a man space is like giving a dog a computer: the chances are he will not use it wisely. -- Bette-Jane RaphaelMen. You can't live with them. You don't have to. -- Seen on a t-shirtA man in the house is worth two in the street. -- Mae WestI like two kinds of men: domestic and foreign. -- Mae WestIt's not the men in my life that count, it's the life in my men. -- Mae West

