

分类: 英语科普 


The common cold gets us all. Adults can expect a couple of bouts of streaming noses every year. In the UK, minor coughs and colds are the main reason we take days off work - around 34 million of them every year.

感冒伤风,人人在所难免。成年人每年有几次流鼻涕感冒的经历都是预料之中的事情。在英国,轻微的咳嗽和感冒是人们请病假的主要原因——每年因感冒为由的病假天数大约有 3400 万天。

Most colds are caused by rhinoviruses. However, there are around 160 different types and the viruses can quickly mutate. Developing a drug to stop such a diverse and rapidly changing array has proved impossible. So a team at the University of California, San Francisco and Stanford University, tried something different. They targeted the host, in this case us - humans.


Viruses are not truly alive - they need to hijack parts of a host organism in order to replicate. The US team found a protein that cold viruses and more dangerous polio-like viruses were dependent upon. Disabling the protein in mice and human lung cells using gene editing led to complete protection.


The US team now want to develop a drug that could be sprayed up the nose to protect us from the common cold. The researchers say this could happen relatively quickly. Until then, a duvet day with a mug of something warm is about all you can do.


