

分类: 英语科普 

Cool, heat-reflecting white rooms are already an urban climate solution that's been embraced in cities around the world.


In New York, more than ten million square feet [929,000 square metres] of rooves have been coated with white heat-reflecting paint.


But these scientists say their ULTRA-white paint could make those rooves even cooler.

但这些科学家表示,他们的 “超白” 涂料可以使屋顶变得更凉爽。

While the whitest currently available paints reflect between 80 and 90 per cent of sunlight, these researchers say theirs reflects more than 98 per cent.


Covering a 1,000 square foot [92.9 square metre] roof with this paint, they estimate, would provide more cooling power than a typical central air conditioner.


Prof Xiulin Ruan, Purdue University

Every one per cent of reflectance you get will translate to ten watts per metre squared less heating from the Sun. So, basically, it provides cooling of 18 kilowatts. That's really a big deal. That's more than a typical air conditioner does for a house with the same kind of space.

阮修林教授     美国普渡大学

“反射比每增加 1%,就相当于每平方米内少吸收太阳10瓦的热能。所以基本上,这种涂料可以提供18千瓦的降温效果。这很厉害。比普通空调在同等大小的房屋中功效还要强。”

The secret to its formulation also makes it relatively cheap to produce: the scientists used high concentrations of a compound called barium sulphate, that's already used to make paper.


Back in 2014, another group of scientists developed the blackest possible black coating, a material called 'Vantablack', that absorbs so much light it makes every surface look almost invisibly flat.

早在2014年,另一组科学家就研制出了最黑的黑色涂层,是一种名为 “纳米碳管黑体(Vantablack)” 的材料,可吸收的光线之多使每个涂层表面看起来都几乎平坦无形。

And one museum in the US now wants to put these two breakthroughs side-by-side, displaying the whitest possible white alongside the blackest black.


