Blind Crevasse
Blind Crevasse
Lisa Williams
-- Polar explorer Richard Byrd
Hand by hand, over blistering slivers(裂片)
of ice scraping wrists and slithering(滑动) in ears,
hand by hand, with ferocious(残忍的) delicacy,
a furnace burning behind your efforts,
you pull your body away from that
crevasse(裂缝), stand up, look back at what
you avoided, widening from one crack
to a vaster chasm hundreds of meters
down, sapphire(蓝宝石), then emerald damask
on vertical plunging walls, an endless
corridor of spiked sea glass --
You were cheek on crystal, in a terrible fallen
field, your left leg dangling over
the roof of a crater toothed(锯齿状的) with punched
translucence. Ecstatic to leave the past,
to have glimpsed its Kublaian center, you
walk in an opposite direction
but it's still close to you sometimes,
half-lit, a story you might enter,
a submerged star, its azure(蔚蓝的) pinnacles
ruminant. Did you think it wouldn't
fool you again, since you are safe
from its jewelled, devouring throat, the masked
abyssal(深海的) draw of its depression
covered by a fresh and blinding snow?