

分类: 英语故事 

When Cool Goes Cold


副题:Nike was a marketing MVP. But with its image, brand and business under fire, a company and a CEO with a sense of mission are suddenly reeling.


[1]Phil Knight doesn't speak in public very often. And when you hear from him these days, he doesn't sound happy. Talking to Wall Street analysts from his Oregon headquarters last week, the founder and head of Nike Inc. didn't mince『矫饰地讲;斯文地讲』words: "This is a dark day around these halls."


[2]Knight's problems would worry any CEO: a stock price that has slid to the $40s from the $70s, a plunge『猛跌;骤降』in profits and warehouses『仓库 ;库房』full of shoes that aren't selling. Nike's two-year-long battle with critics『批评家;评论家』of its labor policies in Asia is heating up『加剧;激化;变得激烈』again: filmmaker Michael Moore features 『以……为主演』Nike in his new movie (sidebar) and, in an event stage-managed『布置舞台』by Nike but sure to generate 『产生』some unwelcome imagery『意象』, the company's pre-eminent『最有影响的』spokesman, Michael Jordan, plans to visit Far East factories this spring. The region is the source of more woe『灾难;不幸』: Asia's economic slump has cut sales by 17 percent in recent months. But most critical is a price war that has sliced 『切开;割去』U. S. sales and is a sign that Nike's lock as the champion of "cool" may be weakening. Although Nike prides itself on technical innovation『改革;创新』losing its cool would be tantamount『相当于;等同于』to losing the game.


[3]Last week was particularly glum『闷闷不乐的;抑郁的』at Nike's headquarters in suburban Portland. Managers had warned of layoffs『临时解雇』but hadn't revealed『暴露;泄露』any names. On Wednesday, 250 employees were told to pack up『收拾行装』their desks, while stunned『使大吃一惊;使目瞪口呆』colleagues looked on.


[4]At most corporate offices, that scene, though painful, wouldn't be cataclysmic『激变的;大变动的』,but for Knight and his employees, even a setback『挫折;失败』bears the agony『痛苦;苦恼』of defeat. Nike rose about as high and fast in the '90s as any company can. It took on a new religion『信仰;信条』of brand consciousness『意识』and broke advertising sound barriers with its indelible 『难以驱除的;持久的』Swoosh『疾风』, "Just Do It" slogan『标语;口号』and deified『将……奉若神明』sports figures. Nike managed the deftest『灵巧的;机敏的』of marketing tricks: to be both anti-establishment and mass『大众的;民众的』market, to the tune of $9.2 billion in sales last year.

[4]"使世界疾风化" 这种场面尽管令人痛苦,但在大多数公司都还算不上什么大灾难。但是,对奈特和他的雇员们来说,即使是一个小的挫折也包含着失败的痛苦。在90年代,该公司恢复了元气,其上升速度之快、上升地位之高,是任何别的公司所望尘莫及的。它树立起一种新的强烈的品牌意识,还用它那个给人印象深刻的"疾风"标志、它"说干就干"的口号以及一些被奉若神明的体育界人物打破了广告"音障"。耐克公司运用了最精明的营销策略:既反对正统,又面向大众。去年,它的销售额达到92亿美元。

[5]But Nike sees itself as part of a grander mission. Knight has often talked of sports as a force for good, and of Nike-named for a Greek goddess-as a force behind that good. "'Swooshi-fication 『使……化』of the world' should [really be] 'Sportsi-fication of the world'," he said last year. "We will mature『成熟』 with the inexorable『无法改变的;不可阻挡的』 penetration『穿透力』of sports into the global psyche."


[6] Employees are recruited『雇佣;聘用』to share that mission『任务;使命』. They work and play hard, leaving a sizable 『相当大的』population of "Nike widows" and, presumably『据推测;想必』, widowers. Some young sales people initiate『开始;创始』themselves with Swoosh tattoos『纹身;刺花』. And besides the ubiquitous『到处存在的;普遍存在的』sports metaphors『比喻』, Nike people talk about the "heart" and "soul" of Nike. "You didn't even talk about the stock price inside those halls," says a former employee. "That's not why you were there."

[6]耐克招聘员工是要他们来履行这一使命的。他们全身心地投入工作,留下一大批"耐克活寡妇"(大概也有活鳏夫)。 一些年轻的营销人员在加盟耐克时,以"疾风"标志纹身明志。耐克人除了总爱用体育字眼打比方以外,还常常谈论耐克"心"与耐克"魂"。一位前雇员说:"在耐克大楼内,人们根本不谈论股票价格。你不是为那个而到该公司工作的。"

[7] For such believers, the harsh『严厉的;严酷的』criticism of Nike's labor practices has been a shock. When activists spurred『鼓励;鼓舞』new interest in foreign labor conditions in 1996,Nike was the perfect foil『陪衬物;陪衬者』.

[8]Nike's bigger problem is a 1990s marketing conundrum『难题』: can you be big and cool? When Teenage Research Unlimited did its latest survey『调查;民意测验』, 40 percent of kids named Nike as one of the "coolest" brands, down from 52 percents just six months ago. Kim Hastreiter of Paper, a New York magazine, says that the coolest things around now are brilliantly『灿烂地;出色地』colored suede sneakers『仿麋皮运动鞋』by New Balance. Even Adidas, torpedoed『使彻底完蛋;破坏』by Nike and Reebok in the '80s, is staging a comeback..

[8]还是最"酷"吗? 奈特面临的更大的问题是90年代的营销这个大难题:销售量很大的东西也能"酷"吗?青少年研究所的最新调查表明,40%的孩子认为耐克是最"酷"的品牌之一,而仅6月以前的这个数字是52%。纽约一家杂志的记者金·哈斯特雷特说,眼下最"酷"的是"新平衡"牌色彩鲜艳的仿麂皮运动鞋。就连在80年代被耐克和锐步打下去的阿迪达斯也在卷土重来。

[9]Knight acknowledges『承认』the challenge. "We have to be beautiful as well as big," It's no mean feat『功绩;业绩』, says Scott Bedbury, former global ad chief for Nike. The "Worst-case scenario『事态;局面』would be to become Microsoft," says Kevin Keller, a marketing professor at Duke. Best case: be like Coca-Cola. "They're everywhere, but no one seems to resent『愤慨;怨恨』them for it."

[10] One answer is to play down『贬低,降低重要性』the Swoosh, and some Nike watchers say it will do just that. Nike is marketing new products, including its ACG (All Condition Gear) line for hiding and outdoor styles.

[11]Nike's genius『天资;才能』has been its "strong, intuitive『直觉的;有直觉力的』sense" of the brand, says Keller. But with the loss of some of Nike's top marketers in the last few years, he wonders if the newer people can "tap into" that understanding, "almost a genetic『基因的;遗传的』code."

[12]Nike's ace in the hole『密藏的王牌;应急手段』is Knight himself. Charismatic『有魅力的;有吸引力的』and down to earth, Knight still lives in the house he bought 25 years ago. "He's the kind of guy who leans in when you talk," says Blumenauer. Knight's deep passion『热情;恋情』for Nike means he will fight hard for it. "I've always thought that Phil has three children-two sons and a brand," says Bedbury. "Never underestimate『低估;估计不足』a father's love of a child."

The lawyer's ace in the hole was a secret witness who had seen the accident.
He knows something about the boss-that is his ace in the hole.
They underestimated the difficulty of the task.
Never underestimate your enemy.

1. Knight has often talked of sports as a force for good, and of Nike-named for a Greek goddess-as a force behind that good.(5)
2. "We will mature with the inexorable penetration of sports into the global psyche."(5)
3. The "Worst-case scenario would be to become Microsoft," says Kevin Keller, a marketing professor at Duke. Best case: be like Coca-Cola. "They're everywhere, but no one seems to resent them for it."(9)
4. One answer is to play down the Swoosh, and some Nike watchers say it will do just that.(10)
5. 两年来,耐克公司一直与批评它在亚洲的雇工政策的人进行斗争,现在这一斗争再度白热化。(2)
6. 管矸骄?嫠狄?偈苯夤腿嗽钡?敲挥型嘎睹?ァV苋??50名雇员被通知临时解雇,震动了其他的员工。(3)
7. "最糟糕的情况是成为像微软那样的公司。最好的情况是像可口可乐那样。"(9)
8. 耐克公司最厉害的王牌还是奈特本人。(12)
9. 人们决不要低估了一位父亲对孩子的爱。(12)

