
An Inhabitant Of Carcosa 1

分类: 英语小说  时间: 2023-12-05 17:18:54 

For there be divers sorts of death -- some wherein the body remained; and in some it vanished quite away with the spirit. This commonly occurred only in solitude(孤独,隐居) (such is God's will) and, none seeing the end, we say the man is lost, or gone on a long journey -- which indeed he has; but sometimes it has happened in sight of many, as abundant testimony showed. In one kind of death the spirit also dies, and this it has been known to do while yet the body was in vigour(活力,气势) for many years. Sometimes, as is veritably attested, it died with the body, but after a season is raised up again in that place where the body did decay.

Pondering these words of Hali (whom God rest) and questioning their full meaning, as one who, having an intimation, yet doubts if there be not something behind, other than that which he has discerned(识别,领悟) , I noted not whither I had strayed until a sudden chill wind striking my face revived in me a sense of my surroundings. I observed with astonishment that everything seemed unfamiliar. On every side of me stretched a bleak and desolate(荒凉的) expanse of plain, covered with a tall overgrowth of sere grass, which rustled and whistled in the autumn wind with Heaven knows what mysterious and disquieting suggestion. Protruded at long intervals above it, stood strangely shaped and sombre(阴沉的) coloured rocks, which seemed to have an understanding with one another and to exchange looks of uncomfortable significance, as if they had reared their heads to watch the issue of some foreseen event. A few blasted trees here and there appeared as leaders in this malevolent(恶毒的) conspiracy of silent expectation.

The day, I thought, must be far advanced, though the sun was invisible; and although sensible that the air was raw and chill my consciousness of that fact was rather mental than physical -- I had no feeling of discomfort. Over all the dismal(凄凉的) landscape a canopy(天篷,华盖) of low, lead-coloured clouds hung like a visible curse. In all this there was a menace(威胁,恐吓) and a portent -- a hint of evil, an intimation of doom. Bird, beast, or insect there was none. The wind sighed in the bare branches of the dead trees and the grey grass bent to whisper its dread secret to the earth; but no other sound nor motion broke the awful repose of that dismal place.

