
Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图夜未眠(精讲之一)

分类: 英美文化 

文化面面观 Pyramid Scheme

考考你 小试牛刀


Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图夜未眠(精讲之一)Walter: The tall one with red hair is your cousin Irene...

Annie: You'll recognize her by the disappointed look on her face.

Walter: Who is married to Harold, who ran off with his secretary.

Annie: But came back because Irene threatened to put the dog to sleep if he didn't.

Walter: Your brother Dennis is a professor at Johns Hopkins, who's married to Betsy.

Annie: The most competitive woman in the world.

Walter: I don't see how I'm going to remember all this.

Annie: Oh, well, Walter, you will.

Walter: Your uncle Milton lost all of his money...

Annie: and some other peoples'...

Walter: in a pyramid scheme. Don't mention the IRS or the federal business system.

Your mother is Barbara. Your father is Cliff.

Annie: My father has electric trains.

Walter: Really? Am I what they had in mind?

Annie: Oh, Walter they're going to love you!


1. run off with sb.

在很多部电影中都听到过这句话,虽然在日常生活中没有用过,但是大家还是知道的好。它的意思就是“和……私奔”,或者再柔和一点:因为感情的关系和另外的一个人生活在一起了。比如“杰克和他的前女友在一起了”就可以说成是 Jack ran off with his ex-girlfriend.

2. put the dog to sleep

这句话的表面意思是“把那只狗给弄睡了”,实际上可不是这么回事。这里的dog 可不是狗的意思。在美国俚语中dog可以指丑女人。整句话的意思就是“把那个女人给干掉”。
If you don't marry me, I'll put the dog to sleep.

3. IRS: Internal Revenue Service

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)是美国财政部的一个机构,职能是执行税收法。Revenues are collected through individual income taxes; corporation taxes; excise, estate, and gift taxes; and social security taxes.

