
Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之五)

分类: 英美文化 


Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之五)Richard: So finally I'm just sitting there and I decide, you know, "This is Stan Grossman. What the hell?" And I start pitching him the nine steps. And about- I don't know - two minutes in, he stops me, he says, "I can sell this."

Frank: Mm-hmm. Interesting.

Richard: Yeah, and this is the guy who knows how to do it. You know, you start with a book, and then you do a media tour, corporate events, DVD, VHS series. I mean, there's a whole fascinating science into how you roll these things out.

Frank: Wow.

Richard: Yeah, so he's in Scottsdale right now, you know...building the buzz and kind of getting the whole hype thing going. He's doing what the pros call a ticking clock auction.

Frank: Oh, how about that! 

Richard: Yeah, and I can detect that note of sarcasm there, Frank.

Frank: What sarcasm? I didn't-I didn't hear it.

Richard: But I want you to know something. I feel sorry for you.

Frank: You do? Good.

Richard: Yeah, I do. Because sarcasm is the refuge of losers.

Frank: It is? Really?

Richard: Yep. Sarcasm is losers trying to bring winners down to their level and that's step four in the program.

Frank: Wow, Richard, you've really opened my eyes to what a loser I am. How much do I owe you for those pearls of wisdom?

Richard: That one's on the house.

Frank: It is?

Richard: It's on the house. That's on the house.

Sheryl: Okay, you guys, that's enough.

Frank: That was for free?

Richard: No charge. No charge.

Sheryl: Stop it!

Frank: He started it.

Richard: That's- Oh, wait a second.

Sheryl: You are so bad.

Richard: Quiet. This is it. This is that call. He-Hello? Stan? Stan? Stan Grossman? Richard Hoover. Finally. How're ya doin'? No, I know. We were, uh, on the highway, and I lost you on my cell. Forget about it. How'd we do?

Sheryl: Honey, I'm using the ladies' room. You need to go?

Olive: No. I'm needing go practice my routine over there.

Sheryl: Okay, well, don't go too far.

Richard: Well, I think that we just gotta talk to him a little. No, you gotta talk to him. No, Stan, listen to me. Hold on now.


1. Roll out

Roll out 有两个常用的意思,一个是"起床",如:It was nearly impossible to roll out on the first day back after vacation.
另一个是"介绍,揭露,揭幕",例如:They'll hold a TV advertising campaign to roll out the new car.

这里的"there's a whole fascinating science into how you roll these things out."可以翻译为"整套做法背后都有一整套理论"。

2. Open one's eyes

意思是"Become or make someone aware of the truth of a situation",It's time you opened your eyes to the politics of this office.

3. on the house

意为"免费地;由公家或老板付钱",在美国俚语中表示"主人开销的,免费的",This hotel serves an afternoon tea that's on the house.

4. Forget (about) it!

这个片语有三种用法,可以用来拒绝对方的提议,相当于中文的"别提了"或"休想",例如:A: If we could only ask Bill to work on this project. B: Forget it! He quit the office two weeks ago.
另一种用法是请对方不要担心或在意某事,如A: Thank you so much for helping me."多谢你的帮忙。"B: Oh, forget about it!"喔,不必在意。" 本片段中就是采用第二种意思。
还有一种用法是不想再提起某一话题,如A: What did you say?"你说什么?"B: Forget it!"算了!"



Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之五)"成功学"是一门"铸造富豪"的学问。成功者都是研究而不只是学习成功学。由美国二十世纪初最富有的人钢铁大王安德鲁·卡纳基(ANDREW CARNEGIE)发起,目的是帮助更多有追求的人成功致富。"成功学"的领域包含"潜意识力量、愿力、目标管理、计划及执行力、自我行销及推销力、说服力、领导力等等。


安德鲁·卡纳基(ANDREW CARNEGIE),这位成功学的始祖,他身体力行这门学问,白手起家成为美国二十世纪初最富有的人。

将这个学问系统化,然后大力推广的,是半个世纪以来,在美国商场与政界备受推崇与尊重的希尔博士。这位成功学的第二代祖师,本来也是一个穷小子,他实践和弘扬这门学问,不止自己成为巨富,更造就了无数亿万富翁,成为成功学的大宗师。拿破仑·希尔(DR.NAPOLEON HILL)博士从1908年开始,运用整整20年时间,遍访全美国当时504位最有钱、最有势的人士,将他们的致富之道、登龙之术敲骨存髓,取精撷华而成。

Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之五)首次出版成功学代表作"思考致富"一书,是希尔博士在白宫当美国总统罗斯福顾问时,此书一出,即时洛阳纸贵,人人争阅。此后更被翻译成二十多种文字,成为全球追求富贵人士的圣经,历久不衰,日久弥新。用"饮誉朝野,风靡国际"来形容,也绝非夸大其词。今日世界上充斥市场的"致富学"与"积极性思想"(POSITIVE THINKING)的书籍,莫不奉希尔的学说为圭臬。

芝加哥"美国联合保险公司"(COMBINED ENSURANCF COMPANY OF AMERICA)的创办人祈利文·史东(W。CLEMENT STONE)追随希尔学习,由一个只有一百元身家的年轻人摇身一变成为四亿美元身家的富豪,更成为"自我创富学"的"第三代祖师"。

Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之五)当今世界上最有名的成功学大师:安东尼·罗宾




世界潜能大师安东尼· 罗宾亚洲最得意门生,亚洲地区唯一授权代表

影片中Richard 到处推行的"九步成功法"也是来源于这些成功学祖师的理念。不同的是,祖师们成功了,而Richard 却失败了。原因呢?也许是因为Richard 本身没有就没有成功过,也没把自己包装成一个成功人士吧。要知道,推销这种学问,得自己本身就成功(或者包装成成功的样子),才能让别人相信你讲的有道理,很多的所谓"成功学导师"不就是这样才成功的吗?



1. 亚洲之旅让他认识到数百万人真实的生活境况。
2. 今晚饮料免费。
3. Yeah, and I can detect that note of sarcasm there, Frank.
4. We were, uh, on the highway, and I lost you on my cell.

Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之四)考考你 参考答案

Richard: We’re talking about it.
Olive: I'm going! I'm going! I'm going!
Olive: Grandpa! Grandpa! Is Grandpa coming to California?
Sheryl: We're all coming, honey.
Richard: We're going to California.

