
Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之六)

分类: 英美文化 


Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之六)Grandpa: Perfect. Perfect. You're the world champion growler. Time for your beauty rest. Get in there. There you go. Good night.

Olive: Grandpa?

Grandpa: Yeah.

Olive: I'm kinda scared about tomorrow.

Grandpa: Are you kiddin' me? You're gonna blow 'em out of the water. They're not gonna know what hit 'em.

Olive: Grandpa?

Grandpa: Yeah.

Olive: Am I pretty?

Grandpa: Olive, you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

Olive: Nah, you're just saying that.

Grandpa: No, I'm not. I'm madly in love with you. And it's not because of your brains or your personality. It's because you're beautiful, inside and out.

Olive: Grandpa?

Grandpa: What?

Olive: I don't want to be a loser.

Grandpa: You're not a loser. Where'd you get the idea you're a loser?

Olive: Because Daddy hates losers.

Grandpa: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up a minute. You know what a loser is? A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try. Now, you're trying, right?

Olive: Yeah.

Grandpa: Well, then, you're not a loser. We're gonna have fun tomorrow, right?

Olive: Yeah.

Grandpa: We can tell 'em all to go to hell. Good night, sweetie. I love you.


1. Blow out of the water

这个片语挺有趣的,它的意思是"defeat decisively",起源于19世纪中期的海军,最初的意思是"将敌方的军舰打成碎片",现在用来指各种各样的"打败"对手,例如:With a great new product and excellent publicity, we could blow the competition out of the water.

此外,blow out of the water 还可以表示"surprise greatly",例如:I was blown out of the water when I heard that I was promoted.

2. Nah, you're just saying that.

Nah 这里表示"no",you're just saying that 的意思是"你不过是说说罢了",这可是一句很实用的口语,赶紧记下来哦!

3. Back up

Back up 这个片语有很多意思,我们来一一看一下:
a. to bring (a stream of traffic) to a standstill 停止,例如:A stalled car backed up traffic for miles. 影片中采用的也是这个意思,爷爷叫Olive"先不要哭"。
b. to move backward 后退,例如:Back up into the garage.
c. to reinforce 加固,例如:We backed up the cardboard with slats so it wouldn't fall down.
d. to support or confirm 支持,例如:He backed up my story and they let us go.
e. Computers. to duplicate (a file or a program) as a precaution against failure 备份,例如:Have you backed up the files in the computer?


Beauty contest: an introduction 选美大赛的历史

A beauty contest, or beauty pageant, is a competition based mainly, though not always entirely, on the physical beauty of its contestants. Almost invariably, competitions for men and women are separate events, and those for men are not referred to as beauty contests. Beauty contests for women are more common, and winners are called beauty queens. Beauty contests for men, like Mr. Universe, are more likely to be "body building" contests-quite unlike the traditional "beauty contest" in which women are judged upon many attributes both physical and otherwise. However, in the 1990s, male "beauty contests" began to shift focus. Instead of only considering muscle mass, the competitions began to judge the natural physical attributes of the contestants as well as their physiques. These include Mr. World and Manhunt International.

Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之六)Miss Japan Riyo Mori adjusts her crown after being crowned Miss Universe 2007 at the National Auditorium in Mexico City May 28, 2007. [Reuters]There are also beauty contests for children. These events are often controversial, particularly when children are dressed provocatively and described in adult terms.

History of beauty contests

Choosing symbolic kings and queens for May Day and other festivities is an ancient custom in Europe in which beautiful young women symbolize their nation's virtues and other abstract ideas. The first modern American pageant was staged by P. T. Barnum in 1854, but his beauty contest was closed down by public protest-he previously held dog, baby, and bird beauty contests. He substituted daguerreotypes for judging, a practice quickly adopted by newspapers. Newspapers held photo beauty contests for many decades: In 1880, the first "Bathing Beauty Pageant" took place as part of a summer festival to promote business in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Contests became a regular part of summer beach life, with the most elaborate contest taking place in Atlantic City, New Jersey, where the "Fall Frolic" attracted women from many cities and towns.

The modern beauty pageant's origin is traceable to the Miss America Pageant, which was first held in Atlantic City in 1921, under the title "Inter-City Beauty Contest." The Miss America Pageant eventually included preliminary eliminations, an evening gown competition, musical variety shows, and judging by panel. Still, the contest was at first shunned by middle-class society. Pageants did not become respectable until World War II, when "beauty queens" were recruited to sell bonds and to entertain troops. Scholarships and talent competitions evoked even closer scrutiny of contestants' morals and backgrounds.

Other major contests include the yearly Miss World competition (founded by Eric Morley in 1951), Miss Universe (founded in 1952), Miss International and Miss Earth (founded in 2001 with environmental awareness as its concern). These are considered the Big Four pageants, the four largest and most famous international beauty contests. Minor contests, such as the Miss Bondi contest in Australia, are common throughout the world in the summer months. During the 1950s, pageants thrived to promote county fairs and local products. For example, some of Raquel Welch's titles included "Miss Photogenic" and "Miss Contour." Across the world, women from around the world participate each year in local competitions for the chance to represent their country's international title.

Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之六)Mrs. Texas crowned in beauty contest其实,选美活动从未脱离一个游戏规则,那就是选出男性心目中最有魅力的女人。就目的而言,西方选美与过去东方君主选美的不同之处,在于一种是为一个男人,一种是为了一群男人。社会学家们则将二者区分为,一个是父权专制文化的产物,一个是父权民主文化的产物。







Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之六)一共有五部影片获得过这份荣耀,前三名分别是《星战前传》,《黑客帝国》和《蜘蛛侠》,第五名是2004年的独立电影《杯酒人生》,第四名是2006年的独立电影《阳光小美女》。



Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之六)影片最后的高潮戏到来之前,德威恩知道自己是色盲不可能报考军校而绝望地打破沉默。他对舅舅弗兰克说,真希望一觉睡到18岁,跳过烦人的高中时代。弗兰克没有马上劝导他,而是说起自己研究了一辈子的普鲁斯特。


“你不可能经历比这更好的苦难了”,也唯有苦难,才会留给我们最有回味的回忆。影片最后,为了保护 Olive,全家人一起上台跳舞。一场痛快的放纵之后,他们又推着车子上路了。人生中充满着机会,不过也许挫折会更多。有时候,只要自己用力推自己一把,便又继续上路了。不管怎样,人生都要继续往下走呀。



1. I'm madly in love with you. And it's not because of your brains or your personality. It's because you're beautiful, inside and out.

2. You know what a loser is? A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try. Now, you're trying, right?

Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之五)考考你 参考答案

1. 亚洲之旅让他认识到数百万人真实的生活境况。
A trip through Asia opened his eyes to the conditions under which millions had to live.

2. 今晚饮料免费。
Tonight the drinks are on the house.

3. Yeah, and I can detect that note of sarcasm there, Frank.

4. We were, uh, on the highway, and I lost you on my cell.

