

分类: 英语故事 

24EN Editor's Note:Do you think sewing is just for grannies? Think again. In Australia, the hobby is currently making a comeback among all age groups. Surprisingly, it is also a hot trend among men in their 20s and 30s.

John, 35, a builder, says he and a friend got into sewing as a form of one-upmanship. "A friend of mine throws rave parties--one of those things where everyone's trying to outdo one another," he told The age. "I was tired of always asking female friends to make things for me. When we went to the sewing course, I didn't think the teacher had ever had any men. I just learned the basics; the rest of it I figured out for myself. It's the same skills you need to build a house--you just have to imagine a 3-D shape."更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

Richard, 29, another man in a sewing course, says he started the hobby because he was tired of paying high prices for nice clothes. Now he can look at something he can't afford and think:" I can make that."

