

分类: 英语故事 



"Do you still remember your dreams from childhood? They`re like flowers that never fade," 23-year-old Liu Wei told a rapt audience during a broadcast of the nationwide talent competition China's Got Talent. Liu, an armless pianist from Beijing, was named one of the show`s finalists.

Liu once had arms. At the age of 10 he accidentally grabbed a high-voltage wire and lost his arms. "My family and I were so desperate then," Liu recalled. He credits a disable boy he met at the hospital who gives him the strength to cheer him up.

He was forced to give up playing soccer (his favorite sport) but bounced back and challenged himself to learn swimming. After two years, Liu had won two gold medals and one silver at the National Swimming Championship for the disabled in 2002.

By the age of 19, Liu had taught himself how to play the piano with his feet, fulfilling a childhood dream of composing and producing music, he said with a big smile. "Given enough time, I could be just as same as anyone."

"I can read music and have figured out the `toeing` by myself," he told. According to Liu, the big toe is the most flexible digit when "toeing," but that he can only reach five keys at the same time. "It means I have to train my toes to move more rapidly," he said.

One of the show`s hosts, Cao Kefan, told press. "He was practicing so hard his feet were constantly cramping," Cao said.

"We`ve all fought for our dreams when we were young, but no one has fought as hard as you," commented Gao Xiaosong. Gao is one of the show`s judges and one of most influential music producers in China.

"You tell us that to realize our dream, we need to spare no pains," said Yi Nengjing, a show judge and Taiwanese pop star.

"I`ve received a lot of letters of support, all encouraging me to focus on my music," Liu said. When asked what he would do when the show was over, he revealed several music companies had asked to sign him. But whatever happened, he added he is sure he would keep pursuing his dream.

"Music is like water and air to me," he said. "I can`t live without it."

相关词汇 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

rapt 全神贯注的;入迷的
credit 认为是…的功劳;把…归于
cheer up (使)高兴起来, (使)振作起来
bounce back 受挫折后恢复原状
figure out 解决;想出

