中国人的十二生肖十分有趣。生肖指的是:the year of the animal in which one was born。为什么会有十二个动物呢?According to legend,传说很久以前Buddha (佛)在过年的时候召集天下所有动物来开会共商大事,but only twelve ...
游戏时耍赖:That doesn't count.那不算!We weren't playing for real.我们不是玩真的。欠钱时耍赖:Money has been really tight lately...最近手头有点紧I've had so many other ...
17. Is That... ? Will she like it? 她会喜欢它吗?I wonder what he's doing. 我不知道他在做什么。Tell me where I can post them. 请问,哪里有投信的邮筒?The mailbox is over there...
13. I Guess... I'm afraid the crash was because of your fault. 抱歉,我怕这次坠毁是你弄砸的缘故。I guess you're right. It seems I'll be grounded. 我想你说得对,我看...
9. A Shy Little Kitten (2) She lost her dignity. 她失去了镇定。She is timid and completely at a loss what to do. 她羞臊得不知所措。Yak, yak, yak. 哇哇哇!(好像是装出呕吐的样子)I to...
5. I'm so mad at... (2) Here, have some coffee on me. 来,我请你喝咖啡。I'll have some on you all right. 好吧,我要挂你的帐喝它个痛快。(多没人性呀!)Our leader is more devi...
1. Hello Friend! Hey, man, good to see you. 嗨,幸会。Good to see you too, I think. 幸会,大概。Good afternoon, sir. 下午好,先生。At ease. 休息。Good evening, how are you...
开学后,邻居家的男孩找到一家商店打工,每天下午五时上班。我问邻居:四点多才下课,还要去上班,来得及吗? ” 邻居回答:It's OK. He has a window.” 有个窗户?”我心想,这与窗户window”何干? 邻居笑着解释,他是说孩...
No. 8Sometimes we have to pull the all-nighter.有时候熬夜是必须的。用处:熬夜谁都有过,但不是谁都知道怎么说。所以你要知道,再告诉别人,做个助人为乐的好公民.No. 9There is no use doing what you like; you go...