

  • 租车

    NICK: I think you made the right choice, coming to us.We have a wide selection of vehicles you can choose from.DAVID: I would like to rent a car with ...

  • 就餐

    WAITER: Hello, my name's John. I'll be your waiter this evening.Can I get you anything from the bar for starters?DEREK: No thanks.What we real...

  • 在加油站

    ATTENDANT: Can I help you, sir?SAM: Yes, I've been sitting here for a few minutes.I'm waiting for someone to put gas in my car.ATTENDANT: I...

  • 搭火车旅行

    GLORIA: I'm glad we took the train. I don't like to ride in buses.KAREN: Yes, I agree. We can see the scenery better. In a bus, all you see ar...

  • 在纽约的一天

    SYLVIA: So, what do you plan to do today?SHARON: There is a Matisse exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art. Larry and I will go.SYLVIA: Did you buy ti...

  • 迪斯尼乐园

    SAM: It sure is hot. Why don't we go in the Haunted House?At least it will be air conditioned.ALICE: I've told you a thousand times. I don'...

  • 在酒店

    KATHLEEN: Are you cold?HANK: Yes, a little.KATHLEEN: I wonder if we can change the temperature.HANK: I tried before. There are no buttons on the air c...

  • 免税商店

    CAROL: I never understand why these shops have so much liquor.JOHN: What do you mean? It's because it's much cheaper to buy liquor duty-free.C...

  • 兑换货币

    DEREK: You won't believe what just happened.KELLY: What?DEREK: I went down to change some money, right?KELLY: Yes. We need some. How much did you ...

  • 好莱坞

    KELLY: I hope the food here is good.SANDY: Yes, it is very expensive. Maybe we shouldn't have come here.KELLY: But the guidebook says a lot of the...

  • 上页
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