
Renting a apartment租房(2)

分类: 实用英语 
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4. Ms. Li比较放心了,答应Sam可以来看房子,她说you're welcome to come over and see it. 欢迎你过来看看。welcome这个词不仅可以做动词、名词,还可以做形容词,表示“受欢迎的”,例如:You are always welcome in my home. 你在我家总是受欢迎的。You are welcome to join us. 我们非常乐意邀请你加入我们。welcome做动词,表示“欢迎”,比如:My aunt welcomed me with a hug. 我姑姑用拥抱迎接了我。做名词,表示“款待,接待”,例如:They gave us an unfriendly welcome.他们对我们的接待很不友好。还有就是大家比较熟悉的Welcome to China! 欢迎到中国来!Welcome back 欢迎你回来! 

5. 20分钟后,房东Ms. Li和房客Sam见面了,Ms. Li先问Sam在中国是做什么的,因为要打探清楚房客的底细,才能放心的把房子租给他。Sam回答说在中国学习汉语和中国历史。是做学生的。Ms. Li又问他是想一个人住,还是想跟别人合住,Do you want to share with any roommates or live alone? roommate是室友的意思,在口语中做称呼的时候经常被简化为 “roomie”。 

6. Sam说I prefer to live alone. I need my peace and quiet. 我比较喜欢一个人住,我需要过安静、平和的生活。这里的peace and quiet表示“平和,安静”,平常我们比较熟悉的是quiet做形容词,在这里quiet变成了名词。Ms. Li表示同意,Good. That will make everything simpler. I like to keep things simple. 不错,那样的话,事情就简单多了,我喜欢简单行事。 

7. Sam也说喜欢一个人独处,他说I like my privacy. privacy, “隐私,秘密;独处”。例如:We must respect other's privacy. 我们应该尊重别人的隐私。也就是说我们不该打听别人的私事。 

8. 达成共识之后,Ms. Li开始给Sam介绍房间的情况了,Sam觉得整个房子都不错,就是厨房有点小,有一点,这里用的是kind of,既可以修饰形容词,也可以修饰动词,例如:She kind of hoped to be invited. 她有点希望自己能被邀请。 

9. Ms. Li解释说Y ou won't need much space if you're cooking for one. 如果你自己一个人做饭的话,你不需要太大的空间,注意这里的空间space是不可数的,用much来修饰,而不是用many。 

10. Sam又问,那垃圾怎么办呢?What about the trash? What about...?这个短语很常用,表示某人或某物怎样呢?例如:What about the extra money? 那多余的钱怎么办呢?Ms. Li说可以把垃圾拿到一楼,每天晚上9点左右会被清走。 

11. 赵:Sam非常满意,说If it's OK with you, I think I'll take the apartment. 如果你没有问题的话,我决定租下这个公寓了。be OK with something, 对某事没有意见,同意做某事,在口语中很常用,例如:I'm OK with the timing. 我对时间安排没有意见。那么something be ok with someone, 也表示同样的意义,例如:Is the timing OK with you? 你对时间安排有意见吗? 

12. Ms. Li也觉得Sam不错,她说You seem like the ideal tenant. OK, let me go get the contract. 你看起来是个理想的房客,现在我去拿合约。不论男女,房客都是tenant,但是男房东和女房东可不一样了,男房东是landlord,女房东是landlady,但是两者都可以缩写成LL,记住要大写。

7.Signing the Contract 签订租房协议

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Sam: I'd like to move in right away, if possible.
Li: No problem. The deposit is two months' rent, and the rent is 5000 yuan.
Sam: Is there a maintenance fee for this building?
Li: Yes. Just pay the security guard downstairs. I think it's about 200 yuan.
Sam: OK. And when is the rent due?
Li: On the tenth of each month. You can just transfer the money to my account.
Sam: Sounds easy enough.
Li: OK, now you take a look at the contract. It states clearly what belongs to us.

