

分类: 实用英语 

eg. Ok, that’s a deal! Be there or be square!

my fingers crossed--------祝君好运!

eg. I hope you can pass the exam: my fingers crossed!

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Wish you a prosperous new year!-------恭喜发财!

eg. I wish you a prosperous new year and all the best for your future!

Are you struggling to do it?-------有困难吗?

eg. Are you struggling to live in Britain?

You are dead meat!---------你死定了!

eg. Help me out, otherwise I am dead meat!

You scared me!----------你吓着我了!

eg. ---------Did I scare you?

----------Yes, you did!

Don’t get me wrong!--------别误会我!

eg. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean that.

Don’t let me down!----------别让我失望!

eg. Don’t let me down, I am sure you can make it!

You make me sick!----------你让我恶心!

eg. Get out of here, you make me sick!

We are even!------------------我们扯平了!

eg. You don’t tell me the truth, either. We are even!

It’s a must-see!----------------非看不可!

eg. The movie Star World is a must-see!

sold me out---------------------背叛我

eg. I am always with you, why did you sell me out?

Get lost!------------那凉快那呆着去!

eg. Get lost! I am busy now.

feel poorly---------感到身体不舒服

eg. I have been feeling poorly these days.

sort out-------解决

eg. I have got everything sorted out and I am ready to leave.

Could you help me to sort out all those problems?

pop in-------短时来访

eg. I will give the book to you if you can pop in tomorrow.

A good idea popped into my head.

hang on, please!-------请等(停)一下!

eg. Hang on, please! I have got sth to say.

Come on!------来吧(快点!)

eg. Come on, get a move on! I am here by your side.

Just checking---------只随便问问

take it or leave it!--------要不要随你

observe your class-------听课

eg. Would it be possible for me to observe your class this afternoon?


