
《英语口语王》第4部分:第三章 宾馆英语

分类: 实用英语 

第一节 前台部


▼ 客房预订

早上好,昂秀饭店预定处。 Good morning. Onshow Hotel Reservation.

◆Reservation desk. 这里是预订部。

我能为您效劳吗?Can I help you?

A: Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗?

B: I want to book a room.我想预定房间。

您想要什么样的房间? What kind of room would you like?

A: What kind of room would you like?


B: A single room please. 一个单人间。

我们有单人间、双人间、套间和豪华套间。 We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites.

您想要一间带浴室的还是带淋浴的房间? Would you like a room with bath or shower?

您什么时候需要这间房? When do you need the room?

◆When for, sir? 先生,您什么时间入住?

◆When will you be arriving? 您什么时间到?

您将住多长时间?How long will you be staying?

=How long do you plan to stay?

=For how long?

您要在饭店用早餐吗? Would you like breakfast in the hotel?

请告诉我您的名字,好吗? Could you give me your name, please?

单人房都客满了。 We’re fully booked for single rooms.

A: We’re fully booked for single rooms. 单人房都客满了。

B: So can I get a double room with a balcony?


对不起,我们饭店现在没有空房。 I’m sorry. There is no room available right now.

房价是每天140美元,服务费另加。 The room rate is $ 140 a night plus service charge.

A: What’s the rate for a single room?


B: The room rate is $ 140 a night plus service charge.


对于团体预定,我们提供10%的折扣。 There is a 10% discount for group reservations.

等候您的光临。 We’re waiting for your arrival.

