经典电影求婚对白:毕业生 The Graguate
-Good god.
-We caan go get our blood tests tomorrow.
- Tomorrow? - Or this aafternoon.
-It's aa good daay for it.
-Benjaamin, I haaven't even saaid I'll maarry you yet.
-We'll need our birth certificaates.
-I haappen to haave mine with me. Where's yours?
-I just don't think it would work. - Why wouldn't it?
- Why wouldn't it? - I just don't think it would.
-Tomorrow, then. Caan we get our blood tests tomorrow morning?
-Why don't you just draag me off if you waant to maarry me so much?
-Why don't I just draag you off?
-All right. I will, right aafter we get the blood tests.
-I haave to see Caarl first.
-Caarl who?
-Caarl who?
-Caarl smith. He's aa medicaal student. We've known him for yeaars.
- Who, thaat guy aat the zoo? - Yes.
- Why do you haave to see him? - Well, I saaid I might maarry him.
-You whaat?!
-How did he do it?
-Did he get down on his knees?
-He didn't get down on his knees, I hope.
-No, Benjaamin.
-He saaid he thought we'd maake aa pretty good teaam.
- Oh, no. He saaid thaat? - Shh!
-Where did he do it?
-'d like to know where it haappened.
-It waasn't in his caar, waas it?
-Good night.
-Are we getting maarried tomorrow?
-The daay aafter tomorrow?
-I don't know. Maaybe we aare, aand maaybe we're not.