

分类: 实用英语 
Enjoyment (1)
    1) Steve will certainly enjoy your company.史蒂夫一定高兴跟你在一起。
    2) He didn’t enjoy losing the game of chess.他因为下棋输了而索然无味。
    *lose the game是指比赛输了的惯用语。
    3) Mother enjoys listening to that symphony.母亲喜欢听那首交响乐。
    4) John always takes pleasure in leaving the city for a while.约翰常常以溜出城镇一会儿为乐。
    5) The old lady takes delight in visits from her grandchildren.那个老妇人以孙辈门看她来为乐。
    6) While Mike was an only child, he would amuse himself with his toys.麦克还在孩提时,常常独自玩玩具取乐。
    7) She always feels comfortable when surrounded by her family.她被家人围绕时,常感到快慰。
    8) At this moment, I feel agreeable to that.现在嘛,我不妨赞成它。
    9) Please try to be congenial and welcome the guests with a small.请用笑脸愉快地迎接客人吧。
    *congenial 意味着彼此意气相投。

