

分类: 实用英语 

Conversation B?

MARTIN: That was a wonderful game. Coach Havranek. Are you happy??

COACH: I'm very happy! I wanted to win, and we did!?

MARTIN: Was this an important game??

COACH: Yes, it was an important game. It was the first game this year. That's very important. It's important to win the first game.?

MARTIN: What did you want to learn in this game??

COACH: I wanted to learn where we have problems. I wanted to see the new men play. I wanted to know the men better.

MARTIN: Weren't the men all good??

COACH: They were good. I want them to be better. I want them to be very good.?

MARTIN: What did you see??

COACH: I saw some slow men. I saw some men with problems. I want to work very hard tomorrow. I want the men to work hard. We're going to work tomorrow.?

MARTIN: What are you going to do??

COACH: I want to Practice, Practice, Practice.?

MARTIN: What do you want to Practice??

COACH: I want to Practice running. The team is very slow. They can't run fast.I want them to run very fast.?

MARTIN: What are you going to do??

COACH: We are going to run every day. And we're going to talk.?

MARTIN: Can the team be better??

COACH: Of course. They can be better. They can grow.?

MARTIN: Do you like coaching??

COACH: Of course. I love coaching.?

MARTIN: Do you want to coach here??

COACH: Yes. I like coaching here at the university.?

MARTIN: What do you want to do in five years??

COACH: Coach.?

MARTIN: Do you want to coach here??

COACH: Yes.?

MARTIN: What do you want to do in ten years??

COACH: Coach.?

MARTIN: Here??

COACH: I don't know. I want to coach high school. I want to teach younger boys and girls.?

MARTIN: Do you want to live here??

COACH: I want to see in ten years. I want a small school. I want to know every boy and girl.?

MARTIN: Are you going to coach football??

COACH: I can teach many sports. I like football, but I know soccer, baseball, softball. I know many sports.?

MARTIN: Can you teach basketball??

COACH: I don't want to teach basketball. I don't like basketball.?

MARTIN: You're a very good coach.?

COACH: Thank you. I had good teams. I had good men.?

PLAYER: Excuse me, Coach. We're going to a party. Do you want to come??

COACH: I don't know. Martin, do you want to go to a party??

MARTIN: I want to talk. Can we talk at the party??

COACH: I don't know. Where are we going??

PLAYER: We're going to the River Hotel.?

COACH: Who is going??

PLAYER: I don't know. The team. All the players.?

COACH: We can talk at the hotel.?

MARTIN: I want to come.?

COACH: Good. I'm going to Fort Worth tomorrow. We can talk tonight. Let's go.

MARTIN: Thanks.?

COACH: Do you have a car??

MARTIN: Yes, I do.?

COACH: Let's take your car.?


马  丁:赫弗拉尼克教练,这场比赛好极了,你高兴吗??

教  练:我非常高兴,我想赢,我们真的赢了!?

马  丁:这场比赛很重要吗??

教  练:是的,这是场重要比赛,这是今年的第一场比赛,所以非常重要。赢得第一场比赛具有重要意义。?

马  丁:你想从这场比赛中了解什么呢??

教  练:我想了解我们的问题所在,我想看看新手打球,我想进一步了解这些队员。?

马  丁:所有队员打得都好吗??

教  练:他们打得不错,我想让他们打得更好,我想让他们打得非常出色。?

马  丁:你发现了什么问题呢??

教  练:我发现有些队员行动缓慢,有些队员存在问题。我想明天努力训练,我要让队员刻苦训练,我们明天就训练。?

马  丁:你打算怎么做??

教  练:我想练习,练习,再练习。?

马  丁:你想练习什么??

教  练:我想练习跑步,队员速度很慢,他们跑得不快,我要让他们跑得非常快。

马  丁:你将采取什么措施??

教  练:我们将每天跑步,还将进行讨论。?

马  丁:这个球队能打得更好吗??

教  练:当然,他们能打得更好,他们能成长起来。?

马  丁:你喜欢教练工作吗??

教  练:当然,我热爱教练工作。?

马  丁:你想在这儿当教练吗??

教  练:是的,我喜欢在这所大学里当教练。?

马  丁:你5年后想做什么??

教  练:当教练。?

马  丁:你想在这儿当教练吗??

教  练:是的。?

马  丁:你10年后想干什么??

教  练:当教练。?

马  丁:在这儿吗??

教  练:说不准。我想在中学当教练,我想训练年龄小些的男孩和女孩。?

马  丁:你想住在这儿吗??

教  练:我想10年后再看看,我想在一个小型中学当教练,我相结识每个男孩和女孩。?

马  丁:你还要当橄榄球教练吗??

教  练:我能教许多体育项目,我喜欢橄榄球,但我也懂足球,棒球,垒球。我懂许多体育项目。?

马  丁:你能教蓝球吗??

教  练:我不喜欢教蓝球,我不喜欢蓝球。?

马  丁:你是名出色的教练。?

教  练:谢谢,我有好球队,我有好队员。?

队  员:对不起,教练,我们要参加一个聚会,你想来吗??

教  练:我不知道。马丁,你想去参加聚会吗??

马  丁:我还想谈谈,我们能否在聚会上交谈??

教  练:我不知道,我们去哪儿??

队  员:我们去大河饭店。?

教  练:都谁去??

队  员:我说不准,球队,所有的球员。?

教  练:我们可以在饭店交谈。?

马  丁:我想去。?

教  练:好,我明天去沃斯堡,我们可以在今晚交谈,走吧。?

马  丁:谢谢。?

教  练:你有车吗??

马  丁:是的,有。?

教  练:那就坐你的车吧。?

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

locker   n. (存放衣帽等的)柜;抽屉?

locker room  衣帽间,更衣室?

professional   adj. 职业的?

accident   n. 事故?

funny   adj. 滑稽可笑的?

limb   n. 树的分枝?

broke   v. break的过去式形式,打破?

video   n. 录像?

soccer   n. 足球?

Proper Nouns 专有名词?

Fort Worth   沃斯堡?

River Hotel  大河饭店?

Language Points 语言要点?

1.?介词 in 可以是“在……以后”的意思,相当于 at the end of,用来表示将来的时间,类似的短语还有:
in five years  5年后    in three months  3个月后?

in ten years  10年后   in seven days  7天后?

2.?better, younger 等是形容词/副词的比较级形式,通常用于两者间的比较。比较级的规则变法是:形容词/副词+er.better 是 good 或 well 的比较级是不规则变化。比较级常用的结构是“形容词/副词+er+than”,例如:?

The player is younger than the coach. 运动员比教练年轻。?

The coach plays better than players. 教练比运动员打得好。?

Some players are slower than others. 一些运动员比另一些运动员速度慢。

Cultural Notes  文化注释

美式橄榄球(American football,亦称美式足球)运动起源于英国的橄榄球(rugby)赛,与一般的足球(即英式足球)截然不同。美国人称英式足球为 soccer.秋天,美国橄榄球运动是大、中学校里最流行的体育运动。美国所有较大的城市几乎都有橄榄球队,职业橄榄球比赛的观众人数比大学橄榄球比赛还要多,职业橄榄球比赛常常在星期日的下午或晚上举行。比赛用的是椭圆形的皮球,各方的11名运动员可以带球并互相拥抱住摔倒对手,目的是带球,传球并攻入对方球门。?

