

分类: 实用英语 

Conversation A: In the Downtown Area?

EILEEN: Let's walk on this street. I want to buy a new dress.?

MARTIN: Do you want a dress for work??

EILEEN: Yes, I want a dress for the office. Stop. Look at that dress in the window. Do you like that dress??

MARTIN: No, I don't. It's too green. I don't like green dresses.?

EILEEN: OK. Let's look over there.?

MARTIN: Do you like green??

EILEEN: Green dresses? I don't know. Sometimes.?

MARTIN: I want to buy a shirt.?

EILEEN: Do you want a shirt for work??

MARTIN: No, I want a shirt for tennis.?

EILEEN: Do you want a white shirt??

MARTIN: I don't know. No, I don't like white.?

EILEEN: What color do you want??

MARTIN: I don't know. What don't you like??

EILEEN: I don't like red tennis shirts. I like blue or green. Do you like green shirts??

MARTIN: No, I don't. I like blue.?

EILEEN: Let's look for blue.?

EILEEN: Oh, look! See those yellow pants??

MARTIN: In the window? Yes, I see them.?

EILEEN: Do you like them??

MARTIN: Yes, I do. Do you want those pants??

EILEEN: I don't know.?

MARTIN: Do you want them for work??

EILEEN: Do you really like them??

MARTIN: They're OK.?

EILEEN: OK? You don't like them.?

MARTIN: Yes, I do. I really like them. Let's go inside.?

CLERK: May I help you??

EILEEN: I want to buy some yellow pants.?

CLERK: Here. Loot at these.?

EILEEN: No, I don't like those.?

CLERK: Do you want another color? These green pants are very beautiful.?

EILEEN: No, thank you. My husband doesn't like green.?

MARTIN: I like green.?

EILEEN: You didn't like the green dress.?

MARTIN: That's right. I didn't like the green dress. But I like green.?

CLERK: Do you like these green pants??

MARTIN: They're OK.?

EILEEN: He doesn't like them.?

MARTIN: Do you like them??

EILEEN: No, I don't. I don't like them for work.?

CLERK: Do you want another color??

EILEEN: I like the yellow pants in the window.?

CLERK: Oh, yes. They are very nice. Wait a minute, please. I'm going to get them for you.?

EILEEN: Do you really like them, Martin??

MARTIN: Yes, I do.?

EILEEN: Do you like them for the office? ?

MARTIN: I don't know.?

EILEEN: I don't like them for the office. Thank you very much. I'm going to look some more.?

CLERK: You're welcome.?

Practice 1:want 想要,需要。句型结构与 like 一样,后接名词形式或不定式结构,即“want+名词或 want+to+原形动词”。?


I want a dress.?

I want to play tennis.?

会话A: 在商业区?

艾  琳:让我们到这条街上走走,我想买条新衣裙。?

马  丁:你想买条上班衣裙。?

艾  琳:是的,我想买条办公室衣裙。停下,看橱窗中的那条衣裙。你喜欢那条衣裙吗??

马  丁:不,我不喜欢。它太绿了,我不喜欢绿衣裙。?

艾  琳:好吧,让我们到那边看看。?

马  丁:你喜欢绿色吗??

艾  琳:绿衣裙吗?我不知道,有时候吧。?

马  丁:我想买件衬衫。?

艾  琳:你想买件上班穿的衬衫吗??

马  丁:不,我想买件网球衫。?

艾  琳:你想买件白衬衫吗??

马  丁:我不知道。不,我不喜欢白衬衫。?

艾  琳:你想要什么颜色??

马  丁:我不知道,你不喜欢什么??

艾  琳:我不喜欢红网球衫,我喜欢蓝色或绿色,你喜欢绿衬衫吗??

马  丁:不,我不喜欢。我喜欢蓝色。?

艾  琳:那就找蓝色的。?

艾  琳:噢,看!看那条黄裤子。?

马  丁:在橱窗中的吗?是的,我看到了。?

艾  琳:你喜欢吗??

马  丁:是的,我喜欢。你想要那条裤子吗??

艾  琳:我不知道。?

马  丁:你想要上班穿吗??

艾  琳:你真的喜欢吗??

马  丁:还可以。?

艾  琳:还可以?你不喜欢。?

马  丁:不,我喜欢,我真的喜欢,让我们到里边去看看。?

店  员:你们要买些什么??

艾  琳:我想买条黄裤子。?

店  员:这里,看看这些怎么样。?

艾  琳:不,我不喜欢那些。?

店  员:你想要其它颜色的吗?这条绿裤子很漂亮。?

艾  琳:不,谢谢你。我丈夫不喜欢绿色。?

马  丁:我喜欢绿色。?

艾  琳:你刚才还不喜欢那件绿衣裙。?

马  丁:不错,我刚才不喜欢那件绿衣裙,但我喜欢绿色。?

店  员:你喜欢这条绿裤子吗??

马  丁:还可以。?

艾  琳:他不喜欢。?

马  丁:你喜欢吗??

艾  琳:不,我不喜欢。我不喜欢上班穿。?

店  员:你想要另一种颜色吗??

艾  琳:我喜欢橱窗中的那条黄裤子。?

店  员:噢,是的,很漂亮。请稍等一下,我去给你拿来。?

艾  琳:马丁,你真的喜欢吗??

马  丁:是的,我喜欢。?

艾  琳:你喜欢上班穿吗??

马  丁:我不知道。?

艾  琳:我不喜欢上班穿。非常感谢你,我再看一看。?

店  员:不必客气。?

