

分类: 实用英语 

Conversation B?

MOTHER: Hello.?

MARTIN: Hello, mother.?

MOTHER: Martin! This is a nice surprise!?

MARTIN: How are you??

MOTHER: Fine. How are you??

MARTIN: Fine, thanks. How is father??

MOTHER: He's fine.?

MARTIN: Is he there??

MOTHER: Yes. How is Eileen??

MARTIN: She's fine.?

MOTHER: How are the children??

MARTIN: They're fine.?

MOTHER: May I talk to them??

MARTIN: No. I'm not at home.?

MOTHER: Where are you??

MARTIN: I'm in Boston. I'm writing a story about baseball.?

MOTHER: That's very nice. Did you talk to the players??

MARTIN: Yes, I did. What are you doing??

MOTHER: We're painting the house.?

MARTIN: Who is painting??

MOTHER: Your father is painting outside. I'm painting inside.?

MARTIN: Can you do that??

MOTHER: Yes. It's small house.?

MARTIN: But you're not young.?

MOTHER: Your brother Philip is coming on Saturday. He's going to help.?MARTIN: That's good. Did you go to the park last week??

MOTHER: No, we didn't. It's too expensive. We worked in the garden.?MARTIN: I phoned on Saturday. Where were you??

MOTHER: We went shopping.?

MARTIN: What did you buy??

MOTHER: We bought paint.?

MARTIN: May I talk to father??

MOTHER: Yes. Here he is.?

FATHER: Hello, Martin.?

MARTIN: Hello, how are you??

FATHER: Fine. Are you coming to visit??

MARTIN: No. I'm working.?

FATHER: Where are you??

MARTIN: I'm in Boston. I'm writing a story about baseball.?

FATHER: Boston? I like Chicago.?

MARTIN: I know. Did you see the baseball game on Saturday??

FATHER: Yes. I watched the game on television.?

MARTIN: Did you like the game??


FATHER: Martin, how are the children? ?

MARTIN: They're fine.?

FATHER: How is Eileen??

MARTIN: She's fine. How is Philip??

FATHER: He's OK. He's coming on Saturday. We're going to paint.?

MARTIN: Are you painting??

FATHER: Yes, I am.?

MARTIN: Can you do that??

FATHER: Yes, I can. I'm fine. Philip's going to help. Did you go to California?

MARTIN: No, I didn't.?

FATHER: Did you go to Nebraska??

MARTIN: No, I didn't. I went to Iowa.?

FATHER: You went to lowa, but didn't come to Chicago??

MARTIN: I came to the airport. I was going to Iowa.?

FATHER: You didn't phone.?

MARTIN: No, I didn't.?

FATHER: Excuse me. Your mother wants to talk. Here she is. Good-bye.?MARTIN: Good-bye, father.?

MOTHER: Martin, tell Eileen to phone.?

MARTIN: You can phone her.?

MOTHER: Is she working??

MARTIN: Of course. She doesn't work in the evening.

MARTIN: You can phone in the evening.?

MOTHER: OK. Can I phone this evening??

MARTIN: Sure.?

MOTHER: OK. Good-bye.?

MARTIN: Good-bye.?

会话 B?

母  亲:喂。?

马  丁:喂,母亲。?

母  亲:马丁!这真是意外的惊喜!?

马  丁:你怎么样??

母  亲:很好,你怎么样??

马  丁:很好,谢谢。父亲好吗??

母  亲:他很好。?

马  丁:他在吗??

母  亲:在,艾琳好吗??

马  丁:她很好。?

母  亲:孩子们都好吗??

马  丁:他们很好。?

母  亲:让孩子们听电话,好吗??

马  丁:不成,我不是在家打的电话。?

母  亲:你在哪儿??

马  丁:我在波士顿,我在写有关棒球的报导。?

母  亲:很好,你跟运动员谈话了吗??

马  丁:谈了,你在做什么??

母  亲:我们在粉刷房子。?

马  丁:谁在做??

母  亲:你父亲在外面刷,我在里面刷。?

马  丁:你们能行吗??

母  亲:行,是个小房子。?

马  丁:但你们年纪都很大了。?

母  亲:你兄弟菲利普星期六来,他来帮忙。?

马  丁:那很好,上周你们去公园了吗??

母  亲:没有,太贵了,我们在花园里干活了。?

马  丁:我周六打了电话,你们去哪儿了??

母  亲:我们去买东西了。?

马  丁:买什么了??

母  亲:买涂料。?

马  丁:让父亲听电话好吗??

母  亲:好的,他来了。?

父  亲:喂,马丁。?

马  丁:喂,你好吗??

父  亲:很好,你要来家看看吗??

马  丁:不,我在工作。?

父  亲:你在哪儿??

马  丁:我在波士顿,我正在写有关棒球的报导。?

父  亲:波士顿?我喜欢芝加哥。?

马  丁:我知道,你看了周六那场棒球赛吗??

父  亲:看了,我在电视上看了那场比赛。?

马  丁:你喜欢这场比赛吗??

父  亲:不!!?

父  亲:马丁,孩子们好吗??

马  丁:他们很好。?

父  亲:艾琳好吗??

马  丁:她很好,菲利普好吗??

父  亲:他还可以,他周六来,我们要一起刷房子。?

马  丁:你也刷房子吗??

父  亲:是的。?

马  丁:你能行吗??

父  亲:行,我很好,菲利普来帮忙。你去加利福尼亚了吗??

马  丁:没有。?

父  亲:你去内布拉斯加州了吗??

马  丁:不,我去了衣阿华州。?

父  亲:你去了衣阿华州,但没来芝加哥??

马  丁:我到了机场,我是去衣阿华州。?

父  亲:你也没打电话。?

马  丁:没打。?

父  亲:对不起,你母亲要说话,她来了,再见。?

马  丁:再见,父亲。?

母  亲:马丁,告诉艾琳打电话来。?

马  丁:你可以给她打电话。?

母  亲:她上班吗??

马  丁:当然,她晚上不上班,你可以在晚上打电话。?

母  亲:好的,我今晚打电话可以吗??

马  丁:当然可以。?

母  亲:好的,再见。?

马  丁:再见。?

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

watch television   v. 看电视?

baseball game   n. 棒球赛?

just a minute 稍等一会儿?

go to the movies   去看电影?

go swimming   去游泳?

pizza   n. 意大利烤馅饼?

shopping mall   n. 购物中心;商业区?

museum   n. 博物馆?

surprise   n. 出乎意料的事;惊讶?

expensive   adj. 贵?

Proper Nouns 专有名词

Boston   波士顿?

California   加利福尼亚州?

Nebraska   内布拉斯加州?

Iowa   衣阿华州?

Language Points 语言要点


Hello. 喂。?

May I speak to (the children)??请让(孩子们)听电话好吗??

May I talk to (Sue)??请让(苏)听电话好吗??

Just a minute. 请等一下。?

(Your mother) wants to talk.?(你妈妈)想和你讲话。?

Here (she) is. (她)来讲话。?

Bye/Good-bye. 再见。?


Who's speaking, please? 请问您是哪位??

Just a moment, please. 请等一下。?

Could you speak up as I can't hear you well??能否说大声些,我听不清楚。?  He's on the other line. 他正在接别的电话。?

You have the wrong number. 你打错电话了。?

This is he (she). 我就是。?

Sorry. He's not in right now. 对不起,他不在。?

Cultural Notes  文化注释

美国的电话系统为私营公司所有,最有名的公司是贝尔电话公司(the Bell Telephone Company)。 美国的电话普及率高达百分之八十以上,几乎每个家庭和办公室都有至少一部电话。

