
美国俚语:keep someone in line 让sb老实点

分类: 实用英语 

1.keep the boys in line "keep someone in line""让sb老实点,不要惹事,守规矩"
eg: Don't get out of line at dinner or you will be punished.晚饭时给我老实点要不我就收拾你.
It's difficult to keep a group of young children in line.让小孩都老老实实的可真不易.
2.I 'll hand them my notice. "notice""提前告诉sb sth,提前告之"
eg: My job requires at least two weeks notice if I want to leave.如果我要离职得至少提前两个礼拜通知一下.
Did you give them any notice that we are dropping by?我们要去看他们的事你提前告诉人家没有?
3.The money's better. "The money is better.""钱会比较多些"
eg: Susan took the new job because the money was better than her old one.Susan之所以接受这新工作就是因为薪水会比以前多些.
If you want to work in medicine,you should become a surgeon because the money's better.

