
美国俚语:be under wraps 不为人知

分类: 实用英语 

1.Watch you like a hawk?"watch sb like a hawk ""盯紧,将注意力都放在sth上"
eg: When children reach age two, you have to watch them like hawks. 在孩子两岁时,你得时时注意他们.
I' m watching you like a hawk, so don' t do anything stupid. 我可盯着你呢,别做傻事.
2.Completely under wraps. "be under wraps ""不为人知"
eg: The politician thought the scandal was completely under wraps, but actually somehow someone found out. 这个政治家以为丑闻掩盖得很好,但实际上有人发现了.
I thought this project was under wraps, but everyone seems to know about it. 我以为这个工程没人知道,但看起来好象每个人都知道了.
3.No jurisdiction on American soil."jurisdiction ""权限""sb has jurisdiction over sth ""掌控sth,管理,控制sth"
eg: The central government has jurisdiction over all of the local governments. 中央政府控制地方政府.
We can' t do anything about the crime since it happened outside of our jurisdiction in the next county.我们对这个罪犯无能为力,因为它发生在另外一个城镇里.

