在九寨沟的导游图上,“It has been known throughout the world as a ‘Paradise in the Human World’ and ‘ Fairyland on Earth’ for its crystallakes and waterfalls, virgin forests, rare animals, and birds, and national customs”。应为“It has been known throughout the world as a ‘Paradise in the Human World’ and ‘ Fairyland on Earth’ for its crystal lakes, waterfalls, virgin forests, rare animals, birds, and national customs”。“爱护飞禽走兽和水栖动物”译成“Protect the birds, beasts and oquatic animals”, 应为“Protect the birds, beasts and aquatic animals”。“请勿攀摘树枝花草,不得乱刻乱画,妨碍观瞻”。译成“Don't break of flowers and branches, not carve not draw so as to destroy the natural beauty”.应为“Don't break of flowers and branches, and nor do carve or draw so as to destroy the natural beauty”。
在山东淄博淄川西游记宫简介中,“西游记宫占地面积两万多平方米,是由淄川区淄城镇一村投资近千元兴建的”。译成“The Xi You Ji Palace Covers an area of more than 20,000m and was built up by Chengyi Village of zicheng town in zichuan district with an total investment of about 10 million yuan”。应为“The Palace of ‘Pilgrimage to the West’ covers an area of more than 20,000m and was built by Chengyi village of Zicheng town in Zichuan district with an investment of about 10 million yuan”。“25个景点”译成“25 sceneries”, scenery是不可数名词,应为“25 scenic spots”。"“艺术的世界,仙境的天地,精神的享受,老幼皆喜欢”。译成:“An artistic world and an immortal senery place make it a welcomed place by both grown-ups and children for it's spiritual enjoyness”。应为:“An artistic world and a fairyland make it a welcomed place by both grown-ups and children for their spiritual enjoyment”。“淄川旅游公司”译成了“ZI CHUAN TRAVELL COMPANY”,应为“ZICHUAN TRAVEL COMPANY”。
武夷山的宣传卡上“自始至终穿救生衣,贵重物品请勿带上筏。”译成了“Wear the life jaket from start to finish,don't bring the valuable with you on theafts”, 应译为“Wear the life jaket from start to finish,don't bring the valuables with you on the rafts”;谢谢您的支持,祝您旅游愉快!译文:Thank you for support and enjoy yourseves! 应为:Thank you for support and enjoy yourselves!“旅游秩序”译成了“TOURIST PRDER”, 应译为“TOURIST ORDER”;港航监督0599-5262859.译文是For supervie0599-5262859。应为For supervision 0599-5262859。
济南趵突泉东门北侧有公园简介,其中有这样的句子:公园风景秀美,古朴典雅,以观泉品茗、赏戏购物为特色。被译成: The gracefall and classic park is noted for spring, tea,opera and shopping. 应译为The graceful and classic park is noted for spring, tea,opera and shopping。公园滥用音译,有偷懒之嫌。作为济南七十二名泉之一的梅花泉(因五股泉水成梅花状喷出而得名),也被音译成Meihua Spring,译为 Plum Blossom Spring,才更加传神,更富诗意!这在承德的外八庙翻译中有精彩的体现,如:普宁寺(The Temple of Universal Peaceful),普佑寺(The Temple of Universal Bless and Protect),普乐寺(The Temple of Universal Happy), 溥仁寺(The Temple of Universal Kindheartedness),烟雨楼(The Tower of Mist and Rain),水心榭(The Mid-lake Pavilion),烟波致爽殿(The Hall of Refreshing Mists and Ripples)等。但安远寺译成了“The Temple of For-reaching Peace”,应为“The Temple of Far-reaching Peace”。 泰山的“日观峰”译成了“Sunrise Watching Peak”,“玉皇顶”译成了“Jade Temperor Peak”。辽宁千山的“佛手峰”也译成了“Buddha's-hand peak”。
在承德避暑山庄的英语简介中,有一处明显的错误:“These temples are spread all over the Mountain Resort as the stars around the moon”。应为“These temples spread all over the Mountain Resort as the stars around the moon”。“我国最大的木刻千手千眼观世音菩萨”译文为“The statue of Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy), the biggest wooden sculpture of its kind in the world”,应为“The statue of Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy), the biggest wooden sculpture of its kind in China”。
辽宁千山的“香岩寺”译成了“Fragrant Rock Templc”,应“Fragrant Rock Temple”。
在大连金石滩旅游度假区的“贝多芬头像”景点附近,有一巨石突兀而起,四面临海,游客常常在此观光留影。为安全起见,四周装上了围栏,怕外国游客看不懂,还写上英语警示:Out of the Fence!(翻越围栏),这该不是害人家吧?!
而在河北白洋淀的导游牌上,“红菱”被硬硬地翻译成Red Ling 。菱角有对应词的,应改为Red Water Chestnut。这里常常有外国人参观,我看后实在汗颜!
玉渊潭公园,是北京市八大公园之一。为迎接樱花节,公园照例梳妆打扮一番。除了各种彩灯、彩旗等装饰物外,围绕湖的道路两旁立了许多别致的标牌,内容都是2008奥运比赛项目,每个标牌上有象征某个运动项目的示意图像,并注有中文。 为了与“国际接轨”,在中文下面还写上了英文。显而易见,这些标牌是为了突出奥运主题。这一切都做得可圈可点。
但稍微懂点英文的人会发现,标牌上的英文错得一塌糊涂,洋相百出,有些简直叫人笑破肚皮。不妨举几个例子:田径,英文写成 farmland path (应为athletics or track and field);体操,写成 body hold (应为 gymnastics);举重,写成 lift weight (应为weight lifting); 篮球,写成 a ball (应为basketball);射击,写成shoot the shot (应为 shooting);更滑稽的是,摔跤,写成 fall of the (应为 wrestling); 柔道, 写成 the soft way (应为 judo, 来自日文);铁人三项,写成 three iron men (应为 triathlon)……只有游泳 (swimming)、拳击(boxing)等少数写对了。
《三峡博物馆参观须知》里,“闭馆前一小时停止售票”被译成“Ticket office stops work one hour before closing”,由于英语里面没有“stops work”的表达方式,因此正确的翻译应将它改成“closes”。另外,“严禁携带刀具和易燃易爆等危险物品入内,禁止带宠物进入馆内”中,“禁止带入”被译成“prohibited to carry-into”,而正确翻译是“prohibited”。
1. “四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”被译作:Lotus on foui Sides and willows on three, Mountains outside and a lake within. 其中Lotus应为复数Lotuses,与willows平衡;foui刻错,应为four。
2. 铁玄纪念堂中:Tie Xuan Commemorate Hall was originally built in Qing Dynasty (1792 AD ) in commemorate of Tie Xuan.划线部分应为 Commemoration Hall和in commemorating of。再, The figure is so life-like that it's eyes seem to tell us something uncommon. 其中it's至少应为its 最好是 his。
3. 船码头处:Visitor can also use the boat ticket to arrive Tie Xuan's Temple or Main Gate,arrive后面少了介词。应为arrive to 或 arrive at。
四门塔的英语简介也有类似的问题,It is well know in the world with its simple and stately structure.。其中know 应为过去分词known。更可笑的是“小唐塔”(Little Tang Pagoda)的英语介绍是“小宋塔”,而“小宋塔” Little Song Pagoda) 的英语介绍反倒是“小唐塔”!
在山东邹城峄山的导游图上,“海豹石”译成了“Sea leopard stone”,应为“Seal Stone”; “盘龙洞口”译成了“Dragon curling at mounth of cave”,应为“Cave Mouth of Curling Dragon”;
“It is situuated to the south of Mountain Tai”,应为“It is situated to the south of Mountain Tai”; “thus left a great numbers of valuable poems anad calligraghies”,应为“thus left a great numbers of valuable poems and calligraghy works”;“These formes the colorful historic culture in the mountain”, 应为“These form the colorful historic culture in the mountain”。“有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?”译成“Is it not delightful to have friends coming from arar!” 应为“Is it not delightful to have friends coming from afar?”
在江苏镇江的导游图上,“焦山”译成了“Jiaoshan Hall”,应为“Jiaoshan Hill”; “城市山林(南郊)”译成了“Southern Suburs Scenic Spot”,应为“Southern Suburbs Scenic Spots”; “旅游服务”译成了“SERVICES FOR TOVRISTS”,应为“SERVICES FOR TOURISTS”;“美食世界”译成了“GREAT CELICACIES”,应为“DELICACY WORLD”; “住宿引导”译成了“TOURIST FACITIES”,应为“TOURIST FACILITIES”, 最好译成“TOURIST ACCOMMODATION”。
济南民族风情园里“湖”写成了“lakc”,多处的“请”写成了“pleasc”。 “旅游定点单位”被译成“FIXED TOURISM UNIT”。 “FIXED的中文翻译是固定的,含有强迫、必须的意思,整句翻译让人理解为“到古镇游玩必须到此地”,正确翻译是“OFFICIAL TOURISM UNIT”,因为“OFFICIAL”是官方指定的意思。
青岛在旅游、文化方面,标准将对旅游景点通名和文化场所通名进行规范,如“植物园”应译为“Botanical Garden”,“崂山”应译为“Laoshan Mountain”或“Mt.Laoshan”,“文化馆”一般应译为“Culture Center”,“二十四小时服务中心”应译为“24—Hour Service Center”;商业服务业方面,“购物中心”或“大型商场”应译为“Shopping Mall”,中等规模购物中心应译为“Shopping Center”,“酒店”、“酒楼”应译为“Restaurant”,而专供人喝酒、小憩的“酒馆”、“酒店”应译为“Wineshop”等。
广东东莞市的“绿肺”黄旗山城市公园内的指示牌英语注释错误百出。the main entrance exporting(正门出口),人工湖上的桥边立着个牌子:“水深请注意安全”,英文释为“Pleasr notes safeofchildren”。山脚下一个指示牌为:“严禁火种”,英文翻译为:“No kindling”。“Love enviorement,protect the earth”则被翻译为“热爱自然 保护生态”。 “the main entrance exporting(正门出口)”中的exporting实际上是商业贸易的出口,应改为“exit”,即“the main entrance exit”;“Pleasr notes safe ofchildren”在英语中应表达为“Caution!Be careful of childrens safety!”而“热爱自然保护生态”的正确表述则应该是“Loving enviorement;protecting the earth”。 如果用 No kindling来翻译严禁火种的话,还不如用‘No fire’。
在故宫,一个在整修的建筑旁立着一个中英文对照的告示牌。中文写得很明白:“古建修缮施工,给您带来了不便请您谅解”。可英文就别扭了:“The ancient building is renovating,Excuse me for bringing trouble to you”。 这句英文是有明显语法错误的病句,因为这样的错误连六岁的美国小孩也不会犯。
景点介绍中的彝族的火把节译为“the torch festival”,芦笙节译为“the lusheng festival”,回族的古尔邦节译为“Id corban”,壮族的三月三歌圩节译为“the singing festival on the double third”。这些专有名词均应大写,即为“The Torch Festival”,芦笙节译为“The Lusheng Festival”,回族的古尔邦节译为“Id Corban”,壮族的三月三歌圩节译为“The Singing Festival on the double third”。某旅游景点把“注意防火”翻译成Take care of fire,要人们把火照看好。“护林防火人人有责”翻译为Fire prevention is up to you,意思是:防不防火你看着办吧!“照相请勿使用闪光灯、脚架”中“脚架”被译成“camerahorse”,由于该词组代表四只脚的脚架,而相机脚架都只有三只,只此正确的应译为“tripod”,否则让人不能理解。
在华山某庙宇的英语提示:Don't allow men in lady's dress enter, including foreigners.大意是“禁止穿着男人衣服的女人进入,外国人也不行。” 是不是有点神经错乱?