

分类: 实用英语 

    Put on your suit and grab your shades! It's a beautiful day for the beach. The sun is strong, and the day is warm. Crowds are heading to the ocean shore.


Looking past the People 海滩上的人们

Beach towel dot the sand with color. Plastic buckets and balls roll around in the breeze. You can swim. You can splash. You can wade or just rest. There are lots of things to do today.


It seems that people bring all the activity to the beach. But the sandy shore is a busy place even without the many people who visit. And the wind and waves change it all the time. There's lots of interesting science to discover at the beach.


Want to know more about the sandy shore? Well, let's see.


See History in the Sand 了解沙子的由来

Sand! It's everywhere. It sticks to your face and hands. It even gets inside your sandwich. Where does it all come from?


Day after day, year after year, wind and water pound the shore. The pounding breaks shells and rocks into little pieces. As the grinding goes on, the pieces get small. Over a long time, tiny grains of sand are made. Wind and water move these grains to many places along the shore.


Did you know that sand can be many different colors? Some sand is yellow. Some is red. Some is even pale purple. The color of sand comes from the rocks or shells it was made from. Some rocks from volcanoes break down to form black sand.


You've probably noticed that water makes sand stick together. Then it is easy to mold. The next time you play in the sand, just think about where the sand came from. It's hard to believe it could end up making a great sand castle.


Watch Shore Birds Fly 看滨鸟翱翔

Pelicans dive. s run. Seagulls swoop. Have you ever noticed all the birds at the beach?


Birds that live along the sandy shore have learned how to use both land and water. They nest on land. And they get much of their food from the ocean.


One of the most common birds on the sandy shore is the seagull. There are many different kinds. Often you hear high-pitched cries of the gulls as they search for food. It is a sound that is as common as the crashing waves.


Brown pelicans are large birds with an interesting look. You've probably noticed that they have big pouches at the bottom of their beaks. The pouch acts like a scoop. When brown pelicans spot a fish in the ocean, they dive straight at it. In the water, the pelican's beak opens for the fish. Water rushes into the pouch, carrying the fish with it. The pelican quickly closes its beak. The water drains out of the pouch--but the fish is trapped. The pelican can then gobble the fish right down.


On the beach, there's so much interesting science to learn. Plus it changes every time you visit.


