
公司给你戴golden handcuffs了吗

分类: 实用英语 

一提起手铐,我们马上就会联想到被警察抓起来的罪犯。其实,生活中除了有形的手铐之外,还存在着无形的手铐,也许阅读本篇文章的你也带着这样一副手铐却不自知。这种无形的手铐经常以充满诱惑的形式出现,让你难以抵挡,乖乖就范。如果你的上司准备给你升职,和你签订新的合同,那么你要警惕了,他也许正要给你戴上一副金手铐(golden handcuffs)哦。

Golden handcuffs are a system of financial incentives designed to keep an employee from leaving the company. These can include employee stock options which will not vest for several years but are more often contractual obligations to give back lucrative bonuses or other compensation if the employee leaves for another company.


In television, if a host has signed the 'golden handcuffs' deal with the network, it means they cannot appear on any other rival channel.


More broadly, the term can also refer to any kind of situation in which a generous salary is used to keep an important employee from looking for a more desirable but less certain position.


例如:Teachers joining the most disadvantaged secondary schools are to receive “golden handcuff” payments of £10,000 in an attempt to narrow the achievement gap between rich and poor pupils.


