
容易实现的目标 low-hanging fruit

分类: 实用英语 

上大学的时候,校园里有好多柿子树。到了秋天,火红的柿子挂满树枝,甚是惹眼。不过,通常都是在一两天之内,靠近地面的树枝上的柿子就会不见了踪影,只剩下高处的一些还像灯笼一样挂在那里。那些靠近地面的树枝上的柿子在英语里叫做low-hanging fruit,它们会成为人们最先下手的目标,所以在生活中也喻指“容易实现的目标”。

We have Mother Nature to thank for the expression low-hanging fruit. A fruit-bearing tree often contains some branches low enough for animals and humans to reach without much effort. The fruit contained on these lower branches may not be as ripe or attractive as the fruit on higher limbs, but it is usually more abundant and easier to harvest. From this we get the popular expression "low-hanging fruit", which generally means selecting the easiest targets with the least amount of effort.

我们要感谢大自然母亲为我们创造了low-hanging fruit这个表达。果树上总有一些树枝是动物和人类不用费劲就能够到的。挂在这些树枝上的果实或许没有高在枝头的那些果实那么诱人或成熟,但它们数量多而且更容易摘取。从这一事实便可以引出这个广泛使用的表达low-hanging fruit,通常指选择用最少的精力就能轻易实现的目标。

例如:All these ideas are “low-hanging fruit” and something most organizations could quite easily have a go at.


