
noodles with bean paste 炸酱面

分类: 实用英语 

US vice-president Joe Biden and his guests ordered five bowls of noodles with fried bean and meat sauce, ten steamed stuffed buns, a cucumber salad, a yam salad, a potato salad and some coca-cola, costing 79 yuan ($12) at a local Beijing noodle restaurant, the microblog of the US embassy, Beijing said.


北京特色小吃“炸酱面”在上文中的译法是noodles with fried bean and meat sauce,也可简单表达为noodles with bean paste。拜登没有去大饭馆用餐,而选择路边的小吃店品尝北京最平常的炸酱面,这一举动引起了众多网民的热议。除了炸酱面,拜登还吃了steamed stuffed buns (包子)、cucumber salad(拌黄瓜)、yam salad(凉拌山药)等小菜。

北京小吃历史悠久、品种繁多,有glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour(驴打滚儿)、candied rice fritter of Manchu origin / sachima(萨琪玛)、yellow split peas cake(豌豆黄儿)、sweetened baked wheaten cake(糖火烧)、fermented bean drink(豆汁儿)、以及 stewed liver(炒肝儿)等。

