
medical and healthcare system 医疗卫生服务体系

分类: 实用英语 

So far, a medical and healthcare system including medical infrastructure construction, service supply and health insurance coverage has taken shape, covering more than 1.3 billion people in urban and rural areas, according to the white paper.


白皮书指出,中国高度重视保护和增进人民健康。多年来,中国坚持“以农村为重点(making rural areas the focus of our work),预防为主(putting disease prevention first),中西医并重(supporting both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine),依靠科技与教育(relying on science, technology and education),动员全社会参与(mobilizing the whole society to join the efforts),为人民健康服务(improving people's health),为社会主义现代化建设服务(serving socialist modernization)”的卫生工作方针,努力发展具有中国特色的医疗卫生事业。

经过不懈努力,覆盖城乡的医疗卫生服务体系(medical and healthcare systems covering both urban and rural residents)基本形成,疾病防治能力(the capabilities of disease prevention and control)不断增强,医疗保障覆盖人口(the coverage of medical insurance)逐步扩大,卫生科技水平日益提高,居民健康水平明显改善。

