
caucus ballot 党内票决

分类: 实用英语 

Rudd is expected to announce more of his cabinet lineup in the following days as some key cabinet members quit after then Prime Minister Gillard lost to Rudd in the caucus ballot by a 12 vote margin.


Caucus ballot指“党内票决”,在澳大利亚政治中,指执政党(ruling party)议会党团以票决确定党的领导人的行为,也叫党内改选(leadership spill),选出的新领袖自动成为总理。这种党内改选可涉及党内所有领导职位(all leadership positions),或仅改选党首(party leader)。

“宣誓就职”在英语中用be sworn in来表示,比如:Kevin Rudd has been sworn in as prime minister of Australia on Thursday following his victory in a ruling Labor party caucus ballot the evening before. (在执政工党党内票决中获胜后,陆克文于周四宣誓就任澳大利亚总理。)因为宣誓就职一般要在另一位代表权威的官员(比如最高法官或者总督)的见证下进行,所以英语中才会用被动形式。如果要强调说明见证宣誓就职的人,就可以说A swears in B,如:The governor-general swore in Kevin Rudd as prime minister of Australia.(陆克文在总督见证下宣誓就职。)

