
bond sales 举借债务

分类: 实用英语 

To tackle this situation, the revision green-lights bond sales by provincial-level governments but places them under strict conditions. It not only restricts the amount of bonds but also regulates how to issue them and use funds raised through bonds.


新预算法将green-lights bond sales by provincial-level governments(允许地方政府发行债券)。新预算法规定,provincial governments are allowed to issue bonds within a quota set by the State Council(省级政府须在国务院下达的限额内举借债务)。而且,money raised by the bonds can only be used for public services, and not for government operations(通过债券筹措的资金只能用于公益性支出,不能用于政府运作)。

新预算法将政府预算分为四个部分:general budget(一般公共预算)、budget for government-managed funds(政府性基金预算)、budget for state-owned assets(国有资本经营预算)以及budget for social insurance funds(社会保险基金预算)。这就是“四本预算”,有助于建立一个complete and transparent budgetary system(全面规范、公开透明的预算制度)。

