

分类: 实用英语 

The march of technology may seem unstoppable, but all digital things may have a way to go before they replace the traditional bedtime book—the paper one. A new study shows that paper books are better than e-books for bedtime reading. The study suggests that the good old printed book, with real pages that you turn with your fingers, makes parents and children interact more than they do when reading with an electronic book. Researchers from the University of Michigan studied how 37 pairs of parents and children interacted with e-books and paper books. The researchers found that with electronic books, parents asked their children fewer questions and made fewer comments about the story。

技术的进步可能看起来不可阻挡,但所有数字化的东西在取代传统的睡前书 - 纸质书之前可能还有很长的路要走。 一项新的研究表明,纸质书籍比睡前阅读的电子书更好。 这项研究表明,一本好的旧印刷书籍,你用手指转动的真实页面,使得父母和孩子的互动比在阅读电子书时更多。 密歇根大学的研究人员研究了37对父母和孩子如何与电子书和纸质书籍互动。 研究人员发现,通过电子书,父母向孩子们提出的问题较少,对这个故事的评论也较少。

The study involved observing parents and children (aged two or three) reading from three different book formats. These were printed books, basic e-books on a tablet, and enhanced e-books with features such as animation, graphics and sound effects. The researchers discovered that the parents and children interacted with each other less with both types of e-books than they did with the printed books. A researcher said that when they did speak, they were far likelier to talk about the device and the technology rather than about the story. Children were likelier to say things like, “don’t push that button” or “don’t change the volume” than ask questions or make observations about the story.

该研究涉及观察三种不同书籍形式的父母和孩子(两岁或三岁)。 这些是印刷书籍,平板电脑上的基本电子书,以及具有动画,图形和声音效果等功能的增强型电子书。 研究人员发现,与两种类型的电子书相比,父母和孩子彼此之间的互动较少。 一位研究人员说,当他们说话时,他们更倾向于谈论设备和技术而不是故事。 与提问或对故事进行观察相比,儿童更有可能说出“不要按下按钮”或“不改变音量”等内容。

