
Making a suggestion or offering advice建议

分类: 情景会话 
Amanda gives some advice to Daniel on learning English.

W: What's up, Daniel? You look down[1] today.
M: I got a "C" in the English exam again. What do you think I should do?
W: Well, English is a "paper tiger"[2]. Its natural enemy is adequate practice.
M: I did practice a lot, like doing lots of reading comprehension exercises every day.
W: Well, I suggest that every day you do some reading aloud, and try to speak more. That will help cultivate your sense of language[3], which is essential[4] for English learning.
M: I see. I'll give it a go[5].




W: 怎么啦,丹尼尔?你今天看起来情绪挺低落的。
M: 我英语考试又得了"C"。你觉得我该怎么办?
W: 嗯,英语是只"纸老虎"。它的天敌是足够的练习。
M: 我的确练习了很多,比如每天我都做大量的阅读理解习题。
W: 嗯,我建议你每天做些大声朗读,并且试着多说。这样会有助于你培养语感,这在英语学习中很关键。
M: 我明白了。我会试试的。

