

分类: 情景会话 



01. give

Give me a hand .请帮我一下。

Can you give me a lift to the bus stop ?你能捎我到公共汽车站吗?

Give my regards to your family .代我向你的家人问好。

Give me a chance .给我一次机会。

02. bring

What brings you here ?你怎么来了?

You should bring your parents .你应该和父母一起来。

Bring this ad and receive a 10% discount !拿到这个广告能得10%的回扣!

Please bring me a napkin .请给我一张餐巾纸。

03. want

Do you want coffee or tea ?你想喝咖啡还是茶?

You want to see a doctor at once .你要马上去看病。

You don't want to be rude .你不要这么无礼。

04. like

Would you like a cup of coffee ?你想来一标咖啡吗?

What was the weather like ?天气怎么样?

I'd like to reserve a table for eight o'clock .我想预订8点钟的餐位。

05. know

Do you know anything about him ?你知道有关他的什么事吗?

Let me know whether he will come or not .告诉我他来不来。

Do you know how to record video tapes ?你知道怎样录制录像带吗?

06. speak , say , tell ,talk

May I speak to Tom ?我可以和汤姆通话吗?

Do you remember what you said ?你还记得你说过的话吗?

Tell me the truth .跟我说实话。

Let's talk about it .我们谈谈吧。

07. ask

May I ask a favor ?可以帮我一下吗?

Do you mind if I ask ?你介意我提个问题吗?

You asked for it .你活该。/自找的。

08. hear

Do you hear me .知道了吗?

Have you heard the news of his resignation ?你听说他辞职的消息了吗?

Who did you hear from ?你听谁说的?

09. need

What kind of ticket do you need ?您要买什么票?

Is there any need to hurry ?用得着这么着急吗?

He doesn't need to come .他不用来。

10 .look

You look tired .你好像很累。

I'm looking forward to seeing you .我翘首盼望与您相见。

I'm just looking around .我只是随便看看。

11 .think

What do you think about it ?你对它的看法是什么?

Think nothing of it .没关系。/没什么大不了的。

Let me think about it .让我想一想。

