They all look to the President. Kenny stares, in a private hell, blacker and more complete than anyone should ever know. In that shocked silence each ...
KENNY Jesus Christ... Bobby gives him a look: told you things got worse. THE PRESIDENT Dean? RUSK It doesn't necessarily mean there's been a c...
INT. COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE - STATE DEPARTMENT - NIGHT From a cluster of folding metal chairs, Kenny, Bobby, Rusk and Sorensen watch a TELETYPE hammer ...
That may be why Khruschev's introducing this guy. We've been burned by his usual players in the formal channels, so he brings in an honest bro...
He passes his hand over the enormous plot below. MCNAMARA (CONT'D) This isn't a blockade. McNamara, trembling with anger, awe, whirls to Ander...
Zorin, headphones on, listens to his own translation, but doesn't respond, acts bored. It gets Adlai's goat, and he begins to lose his cool. A...
Adlai lowers the phone to its cradle. An ANXIOUS STAFFER sticks his head in the door, a concerned, questioning look on his face. Adlai adjusts his tie...
EXT. WEST WING DRIVEWAY - DAY SUPER: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25TH. DAY 10. The West Wing looms behind Kenny and Bundy. Kenny, poker faced, takes a drag on h...
EXT. SOUTH LAWN - DAY Kenny, Bobby and the President make their way across the lawn, out of earshot of the building. BOBBY What happened to speak when...
BINOCULAR POV: Of the Soviet Bridge, where their LOOKOUTS are staring right back through their binoculars. INT. SITUATION ROOM - DAY The HISS of stati...