
影视剧本:13 DAYS-25

分类: 影视英语 
           He passes his hand over the enormous plot below.

                                MCNAMARA (CONT'D)

                      This isn't a blockade.

            McNamara, trembling with anger, awe, whirls to Anderson.  And

            his burgeoning insight is born - clear, hard and cold.

                                MCNAMARA (CONT'D)

                      This, all this, is language, a new

                      vocabulary the likes of which the world

                      has never seen.

                      This is President Kennedy communicating

                      with Secretary Khruschev.

            McNamara JABS HIS FINGER OUT AT the plot, and --

            -- the CAMERA RACES DOWN, TRACKING OVER IT, across the vast

            ebb and flow of information, the delicate ballet of symbols

            and numerology, this language of steel and human life.

            INT. KENNY'S OFFICE - DAY

            SUPER: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26TH.  DAY 11.

            On Kenny's T.V. Walter Cronkite reads the news to footage of

            a BOARDING PARTY going up a ladder to the freighter MARCULA.

                                WALTER CRONKITE (V.O.)

                      At 7:29 this morning, the U.S.S. Joseph

                      Kennedy stopped and boarded the Soviet

                      charter vessel Marcula.

            The Boarding Party wears dress whites and is UNARMED.

                                WALTER CRONKITE (V.O.) (CONT'D)

                      After a 3-hour inspection, the Kennedy

                      signaled no contraband found.  Cleared

                      to continue.  Pentagon spokesmen expect

                      the next encounter.

            Kenny, who turns from the T.V. as the door to his office

            opens.  Rusk walks in.


                      Kenny, we need to see the President.

                      Something's happened.

            Kenny reacts to Rusk's enigmatic expression.  And out from

            behind Rusk steps JOHN SCALI, the ABC News Correspondent.

            INT. OVAL OFFICE - DAY

            OFF THEIR REACTIONS, the CAMERA FINDS an under-strength, ad

            hoc EXCOM - Kenny, Bobby, Taylor, Bundy, Sorensen, McCone,

            Ball and the President.  Guarded hope all around.  The short,

            balding, pugnacious Scali looks discomfited.


                      I have lunch with him maybe once a

                      month.  Way he talks, he acts like he

                      knows Khruschev personally, but he's

                      never elaborated.  I've used him as a

                      source in a couple of stories.

            Kenny paces behind the gathered men around the President's

            desk, listening, mind going a million miles an hour.


                      The FBI has identified this Alexander

                      Fomin as the Soviet Resident, the KGB

                      equivalent of one of our station chiefs.

                      He's their highest ranking spy in this

                      country.  And he knows John's a friend

                      of mine.


                      All the trademarks of a back-channel


            Kenny eyes Bundy, makes him uncomfortable.  The President

            sizes Scali up.

                                THE PRESIDENT

                      So they'll remove the missiles, and

                      we'll pledge not to invade Cuba,

                      destabilize Castro or assist anyone who

                      plans in doing so...

            Nobody dares speak.  It's as if the possibility of a

            settlement will vanish into thin air if anyone moves.


                      I think... this may be our first real

                      message from Khruschev.


                      The alternative, Mr. President, is that

                      this could be a trap.


                      Dangle a settlement, tie us down in

                      negotiations, we come up short...


                      Why else would they approach us in this

                      way?  It's deniable.  The Soviets have

                      done nothing but lie to us.  This could

                      be more of the same.


