Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of the Moon(June 21 - July 22) This is an intense and dramatic year as both Mars and Pluto are do...
Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of the Sun (July 23 - August 22) Saturn, Planet of trials, is in the ascendancy from July 2005 to...
Venus In(金星落在)Keywords(属性关键词)Fire Signs(火象星座)(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)ardent, dramatic, demonstrative, initiatorEarth Signs(土象星座)(Taurus, Virgo, Capri...
Many luna Pisceans with strength of character bestowed by other planetary forces in the birth chart give boundless charity in many fields. There is no...
This figure in the birth chart creates a great many problems in the life for its natives....
This temperament, considered apart from its special character of social servitor, is highly individual. Many eccentricities and peculiarities are a pa...
The position of the moon in this sign is one of the best of the twelve. It is described in this superlative way for the following reasons:...
This position is quite good for men in a worldly sense. A men with this configuration is usually impersonal in his judgment of the world around him, b...
The sign of Capricorn is not a sympathetic abode for the delicate, variable, sensitive, imaginative nature of the moon. But, moving in her chartered c...
For the average women with the moon posited in Scorpio the situation is somewhat different. Even in the world of today she does not enjoy the freedom ...