Aries The fiery Ram likes to be scared, perhaps so they can claim they weren't, but that everyone around them was. Favorite films might include Th...
ARIES: Eats all of the chocolates in one sitting. 白羊座会一口气吃光所有的巧克力。TAURUS:Tends to buy two boxes of chocolates and leave only the orange ones for you. ...
Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of Pluto and Mars(October 23 - November 21) From July '05 through September '07, your lif...
Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of Neptune and Jupiter(February 19 - March 20) Ruling Planets Jupiter and Neptune are in agreemen...
Ruling Planet & Upcoming OpportunitiesChildren of Uranus and Saturn(January 20 - February 18) Venus and Saturn strengthen bonds, so you can look ...
Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of Saturn(December 22 - January 19) You prefer to maintain a low profile, but that changes as the...
Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of Jupiter (November 22 - December 21) Keep everybody happy and you'll have nothing to worry ...
Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of Mars (March 21 - April 19) The focus shifts from trying to get ahead to the pursuit of happine...
Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of Venus(April 20 - May 20 AND September 23 - October 22) Benevolent Jupiter works its magic by b...
Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of Mercury (May 21 - June 20 AND August 23 - September 22) The triad of Mars, the Sun, and Jupite...