1. Mediator 调解人Of all the signs in the Zodiac, Aquarius is best suited to being an objective problem solver. They work tirelessly on the behalf of oth...
Monk/Nun 修道士/修女This extreme career choice requires Pisces to give up all their worldly goods and take a vow of chastity. The upside is that they won...
Olympic Athlete 奥林匹克运动员This path requires dogged determination, vitality, and competitiveness of Herculean proportions. The ordinary person would not ...
THE BRIGHT SIDE Pisces is sympathetic and compassionate, and cannot bear to see another human being in pain. Indeed, Pisceans feel very deeply about o...
THE BRIGHT SIDE One of the Capricorn personality's most positive features is its sense of humour. This is something which often sustains Capricorn...
THE BRIGHT SIDE Sagittarius is an optimistic, outgoing and adaptable Fire sign. Sagittarian personalities seek to interact spontaneously with life as ...
THE BRIGHT SIDE Although they often get a bad press astrologically, Scorpios have very intense personalities with hidden depths of perspicacity and a ...
THE BRIGHT SIDE The Libran personality is one which is easy-going, charming and pleasant, and for whom relationships are all-important. This sign abov...
THE BRIGHT SIDE The Virgo personality is marked by a very sharp intellect which is used to analyse the natural order of things. Virgos generally tend ...