

  • Buccaneers

    Once when Mary was young, her school had a halloween party for them.Mary decided to go as a pirate. After she had donned her costume, she went into th...

  • Superbowl Snaps

    A first-grade teacher explains to her class that she is an New England Patriots fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they are Patriots f...

  • Climb the Walls

    "Oh, I sure am happy to see you," the little boy said to his grandmother on his mother's side. "Now maybe Daddy will do the trick h...

  • Prayers

    The Sunday School teacher asked, "Now, Johnny, tell me, do you say prayers before eating?""No, sir," he rplied. "We don't...

  • First Time Ushers

    A little boy in church for the first time watched as the ushers passed around the offering plates. When they came near his pew, the boy said loudly, &...

  • Grandma's Age

    Little Johnny asked his grandma how old she was.Grandma answered, "39 and holding."Johnny thought for a moment, and then said, "And how...

  • Children's Sermon

    One Easter Sunday morning as the minister was preaching the children's sermon, he reached into his bag of props and pulled out an egg. He pointed ...

  • Ten Candies 十块糖

    Mother asks her son, "Jim, if you have ten candies, and you eat four, then how many candies do you have?""Ten." Jim says."The...

  • Count Tomorrow Morning 明天早上数

    It's a right. John is looking at the sky.Tom is John's younger brother. He asks John "What are you doing?"John says, "I'm c...

  • Mary's school

    Mary was an English girl, but she lived in Rome. She was six years old.Last year her mother said to her, "You're six years old now, Mary, and...

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