My Wife Will Exchange Them A gentleman walks into a store and asked for a pair of gloves. ″Cloth or leather﹖″ asked the salesperson. &Prim...
Three pastors in the south were having lunch in a diner. One said, "You know, since summer started I’ve been having trouble with bats in my...
Boxing and Running 拳击和赛跑Boxing and Running Dan is teaching his son how to box. As he does so, he left his friend, "This is a tough world, so I&rs...
A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor ol...
All Except the Music A keen young teacher wanted to introduce her class to the glories of classical music, so she arranged an outing to an afternoon c...
One day a visitor from the city came to a small rural area to drive around the country roads, see how the farms looked, and perhaps to see how farmers...
The Absent-minded Professor The absent-minded professor shouted: “Kate, come to the blackboard!“Ano...
How do I get the gum out?Distributing chewing gum to the passengers, the stewardess explained it was to keep their ears from popping. When the plane l...
1.Two BirdsTeacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is sparrow. Now who can tell us which is which?Student: I cannot point out but I k...
Where is the WinnerCustomer: This lobster's only got one claw.Waiter: I guess he's been in a fight, sir.Customer: Well, bring me the winner.顾客...