
The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎(二)

分类: 影视英语 

RED: And that's how it came to pass, that on the second-to-last day of the job, the convict crew that tarred the plate factory roof in the spring of '49 wound up sitting in a row at ten o'clock in the morning, drinking icy cold Bohemian style of beer, courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison.

HADLEY: Drink up while it's cold, ladies.

RED: The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous.

RED: We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We could'a been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the lords of all creation .

RED: As for Andy, he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer.

HEYWOOD: Want a cold one, Andy.

ANDY: No thanks. I gave up drinking. 

RED: You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normal again...if only for a short while.


1. wind up:这里要特别注意wind一词的发音/waind/, 作动词,wind up的意思是“使自己处于某种状态或某个地方”。如:“He wound up drunk.(他不知不觉醉了。)”在影片里整句话描述的是干活的犯人们坐在一起喝啤酒的这种状态。

2. Bohemian:本意是“波希米亚的”. 这是一个时下相当流行的词语,而在20世纪五十年代到七十年代,也是备受嬉皮士(Hippies)和“垮掉的一代(the Beat Generation)”所推崇的生活方式。所以这个词的意思更多的是“放荡不羁的,不合习俗的,玩世不恭的”。但是影片的这句台词里,Bohemian的意思更贴近其本意,指的是啤酒的口味。

3. lords of all creation:造物主。这里可不是单指上帝。很多宗教中的造物主不止一个,所以用Lords而不是Lord。

4. curry favor:这是一个很有意思的词组,意思是“拍马屁”。curry有两个意思,一是用马梳给马刷拭,另一个是咖喱粉,或者做动词,意思是“用咖喱给食物调味”。但是curry和favor放在一起就成了“拍马屁”的意思。生活中那些擅长拍马屁的人总是招人厌烦的。如:She always curries favor with her manager, which annoys most of her colleagues. (她总是在经理那儿拍马屁,这一点让大部分同事们都觉得讨厌。)

