
Prison Break 1《越狱》1(六)

分类: 影视英语 

Sucre: There are three things for certain in life---death, taxes and count. Only way to stop count is...

Michael: What?

Sucre: Never mind. It's a bad idea.

Michael: Worse than the idea of losing Maricruz?

Sucre: A lockdown. We get Gen Pop locked down for a day, you'll have all the time you need.

Michael: And no count?

Sucre: Bulls don't even come by. Only one problem. 

Michael: How do we get a lockdown?

Sucre: Can you get to the prison AC unit?

Michael: Maybe.

Sucre: You want a lockdown, you got to get the inmates riled up. And if you want to piss off the meat in concrete, turn up the heat.

Man: I thought you were retired.

Diamond: Never mind me. Some heavy hitters want this done, so that means I want it done. No screw ups.

Man: For you, Diamond, it's not a problem, Burrows is as good as dead.

Sara: Hottest April on record.

Michael: Global warming.

Sara: Probably. You got a minute?

Michael: Uh-huh. About five years worth.

Sara: Sorry, right, um... You never told me Lincoln Burrows is your brother.

Michael: It never came up.

Sara: Right. I'm curious if that isn't because of my father, the governor. He may not be the one pulling the switch, but you and I both know - he has the power to grant clemency, and he won't, and he never does.

Michael: My old man was an abusive drunk who abandoned his family. I don't judge anyone by their father's actions. Or inactions. If that was your concern.

Sara: Just so you know, I don't agree with his politics. I'm sorry about your brother.

Michael: I appreciate that.

Sara: Hey, this isn't much. Um... I have to give Lincoln a weekly checkup now. If you want, I could schedule those visits to end right before you come in for your shots. That way, uh, you could at least see each other, even if it's just in passing.

Michael: Thank you.

Sara: Yeah.

T-bag: You got to do something about the heat.

Geary: Doing the best we can.

T-bag: Your best is garbage. It's a hundred degrees in here.

Geary: Look like I got frostbite to you? Line up!

T-bag: Why don't you transfer us all someplace cooler... like Africa?

Geary: Get your ass on the line, convict.

T-bag: We'll move when the temperature situation is rectified, all right?

Mack: Hey, Bellick, this is Mack in Cell Block. We got some cons popping off.

Bellick: Give 'em a smack, throw 'em on the line and write 'em up. If you can't handle it, don't cash your paycheck this week.


1. Gen Pop
It refers to the General Population. The place where most criminals are placed. The more severe cases are placed in other units away from the Gen Pop to keep down the risk of incidents.

2. Bull
在俚语中,bull 可以指“警察,侦探”。

3. Piss off the meat in concrete

Piss off 有很多种意思,这里的意思是to make someone angry or to become angry。The meat in concrete 则是代指"监狱里的囚犯",因为监狱都是concrete建成的嘛!

4. Heavy hitter

“重要的,有影响力的人或组织”,例如:This publishing house is one of the heavy hitters in the textbook industry. 这个习语来源于拳击比赛,本意是“重拳出击”,后来引申为在本段电影中的意思。

5. As good as

在这里的意思可不是“像……一样好”,而是"practically, in effect, almost the same as",例如:The house is as good as sold.(房子就算卖了。)这个片语可以用来修饰几乎任何动词、副词和形容词。

6. Pop off

Pop off 有好几种意思,它可以表示:
1) Leave abruptly or hurriedly,例如:I'm just going to pop off and mail some letters.

2) Die suddenly,例如:No one expected her to pop off like that.

3) Speak thoughtlessly in an angry outburst,例如:Don't pop off at me---complain to whoever's responsible. 这也是这个片语在本片断中的意思。

7. Give someone a smack

意思"hit someone, but not hard",类似于朋友之间,当你的朋友说了什么蠢话之后,你轻打一下他/她的头。

