
Garfield 2《加菲猫》2(六)

分类: 影视英语 

Garfield: Aha! I so knew you weren't me.

Prince: And you must be Garfield.

Garfield: How do you know my name?

Prince: I've lived your life for the past few days. Yes, if ever a man loved a cat, it's your Jon. Return to him, Garfield. Return to your home.

Garfield: Your Highness, you don't have to tell me twice. Bye-bye.

Winston: Sire, thank heavens. You've returned. The real prince!

Animals: The prince is home, back with us!

Preston: It's the real prince, the genuine article.

Prince: Yes, my friends, I have returned to you at this, our darkest hour. So, Winny, what exactly is Lord Dargis up to?

Winston: He intends to level our homes and kill us all.

Prince: O... kay. Well, in that case, I decree that we pack our bags and get our scraggy bottoms out of here. Perhaps to the castle next door.

Garfield: Oh, boy.

Animal: What?!

Marten: Well, that was inspirational.

Cow: Brilliant.

McBunny: I am so fired up.

Garfield: You know, I have to believe we can do better.

Preston: I thought you were leaving.

Garfield: Hey, button the beak, Fruit Loops, or I'll stick that thing on backwards. Look, Lord Doofus is just another bully. And what do we do to bullies?

Duck: Well, generally, we run from them.

Garfield: No, we don't leave. We stand and we kick royal butt. Trust me, if you beasts can bake a two-cheese lasagna, you can beat Dargis.

Hobbs: There you are, man. God! What happened to your clothes?

Dargis: Indeed, it's been that kind of day.

Hobbs: Mr. Dargis, I demand an explanation.

Dargis: I had no choice. The cat just won't die.

Greene: What did you say?

Dargis: You will sign the deeds over to me, cat or no cat.

Veterinary Assistant: Oh, my!

Westminster: Mr. Hobbs, you were right. Lord Dargis was willing to go to any lengths to get the estate. I can see you're busy. I'm just gonna...

Dargis: Uh! Young lady. Get over there. Traitoress. You were working with them all along!

Jon: Odie! Odie, wait for me! Odie!

Dargis: Get on with it!

Prince: Hello, everyone. Sorry I'm late. Shall I ring for tea?

Hobbs: Well, it's Prince, and he's alive!

Dargis: I am bushed.

Garfield: All this running-for-my-life stuff. What say we break for lunch, take a quick nap and pick it up later? Sound good?

Dargis: There are two of you little monsters, hmm?

Garfield: For those keeping score at home, that's 18 lives.


1. be up to

这里的意思是"to be busy or occupied with (an activity etc)",例如:What is he up to now? 这个用法还可以表示"进行诡计/坏事occupied with or devising something harmful"意思,例如:We knew those two were up to something. 当表示这一意思的时候,也作up to no good,例如:I'm sure those kids are up to no good.

be up to还有几个常用的意思:
1) Be able to do or deal with 例如:When I got home, she asked if I was up to a walk on the beach. 这个用法常用于否定意义 not be up to something,例如:He's not up to a long drive.
2)to reach the standard of 例如:This work isn't up to your best.

2. fired up

是个形容词短语,意思是Feeling a very strong emotion: atingle, excited, thrilled, worked up. 在这个片断里是反语。

需要注意的是不要和fire up搞混了。Fire up 是个动词短语,它的意思有:

1) Inflame with enthusiasm, anger, or another strong emotion 例如:Her speech fired up the crowd in favor of her proposals.
2) Light a pipe, cigar, or cigarette 例如:Do you mind if I fire up?
3) Start the ignition of an engine 例如:Whenever he tried to fire up the motor, it stalled.

3. kick butt

也作kick butt,意思是"Punish or discipline harshly; also, defeat soundly, to take forceful or harsh measures to achieve an objective."。例如:
That foreman's furious; he's going to kick ass before the day is over.
Our team is out to kick butt today.

4. That kind of day

这里的that kind of 可以根据语境理解成 weird, good, bad 等等,在本片断中自然是 a bad day了。

5. Go to any length

也写作go to any lengths / go to great lengths,意思是“Take a great deal of trouble for something, go to extremes; to disregard any impediment that could prevent one from accomplishing one's purpose 千方百计,不择手段,竭尽全力”,例如:He'll go to great lengths to make a perfect chocolate cake.

