

分类: 影视英语 


James: Morning, boys. Don't tell me the bomb's in here with you guys.

General: Step out and I'll show you what's going on.

James: All right

General: Down on that block 20 meters. This side of the mosque, east side of the street, our informant says he saw a pair of wires going into a rubble pile. It's a possible IED. I trust this guy. I know him.

James: Okay, I'll handle it,

General: Do you want to talk him or...

James: No. Good, Keep your boys back, We'll be good, Thank you. Specialist, bring up the Humvee,

Sanborn: What's going on?

James: I'm going to break out the suit.

Sanborn:  What about the bot?

James: I'll take care of it.

Sanborn: Don't you want to send the bot down there to see what it looks like?

James: I'll handle it.

Sanborn: That's kind of tight down here, James. You don't have to go down there, We already have the bot halfway up.

James: I'll be all right.

Sanborn: First day, figure you want to take it easy, right?  How's it looking, Eldridge?

Eldridge: Good to go.

James: Let's do it

Sanborn: Got tools?

James: Got tools. All right. Let's rock and roll, man.

Eldridge: He's a rowdy boy.

James: He's reckless

Sanboorn: Blaster One, what's going on? Blaster One! What are you doing? Blaster One, this is Blaster Mike. What's with the smoke on the side of the road? Hey, James, can you hear me? What's going on with the smoke on the side of the road? Over.

James: Creating a diversion.

Sanborn: From what? Is there a threat? Eldridge, get up on the wall, Move! Tell me what you see, specialist

Eldridge: All right, I got him. He's walking down range.

Sanborn: James, the smoke is killing my visibility. Where are you in relationship to the IED? Are you within 100 meters yet?

James: Hell, I don't know, but I'll tell you when I'm standing over it, cowboy.

Soldier: Take cover!

Eldridge: Oh, no, A car stopped in front of him, Sanborn.

Sanborn: Shit, James! James, come back now.

Soldier: EOD pulled a nine on this Haji in a car. Want me to send backup?

General: I got it.

Soldier: Sanchez, Hayes!

Sanborn: Negative! Negative! Stand down. The blast will come up the block. Stay clear around the corner. EOD has the situation under control, over.

James: Where you going?

Sanborn: Hold your fire on my command!

James: Want to back up?

Soldier: Get out of the car! Get out of the car! Come on!

James: What the fuck are you doing? Back up! Hello? Want to get back? It's that way. Back.

Soldier: Taxi's moving. Get out of the car! Stop! Stay down!

James: Well, if he wasn't an insurgent, he sure the hell is now.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. step out:暂时离开,这里的意思是“借一步,我告诉你发生了什么。”

平时我们还常用step out of the line表示“不守规矩,出格”。

2. mosque:清真寺。


3. informant:通知的人,告密者。也就是“线人”。

例如:The journalist did not want to reveal the identity of his informant.(那个新闻工作者不想透露消息提供人的身份。)

4. IED:improvised explosive device(简易爆炸装置)的缩写,也就是我们平时说的“土制炸弹”或“路边炸弹”。

5. bot:robot的缩写。


6. take it easy:从容,放松。


7. rock and roll:摇滚乐。这里可以理解为“好吧,我们上路。”

8. rowdy:惹是生非的;吵闹的;捣乱的。

例如:They were chucked out of the pub for being too rowdy.(他们因为太吵闹被撵出酒馆。)

9. create a diversion:声东击西,转移注意力。

例如:One of the gangs creates a diversion in the street while the others rob the bank.(一名匪徒在街上制造事端引人注目,其余匪徒则抢劫银行。)

10. take cover:隐蔽,躲藏。这是下令“注意掩护!”时的指令。

例如:Everybody took cover when the bombs began to fall on the town.(轰炸时, 镇上的每个人都藏了起来。)

11. Haji:对伊斯兰教徒的一种称呼,尤指赴麦加朝觐的伊斯兰教徒。

12. EOD:explosive ordnance disposal的缩写,指爆炸物处理部队。

